1929年12月11日,广西右江地区掀起了一场红色风暴——举行了百色起义。百色起义,是在毛泽东同志的“工农武装割据”思想指引下,继南昌起义、秋收起义和广州起义之后,举行的又一次规模较大的武装起义。起义后,创建了中国工农红军第七军和右江革命根据地,在中国革命史上写下了光辉的一页。 60个春秋过去了,右江人民一提起这次起义的领导人邓小平、张云逸、李明瑞、韦拔群等,就抑制不住崇敬和怀念之情。在纪念百色起义60周年之际,广西部分红七军老战士,回忆了他们与邓小平共同战斗和生活的往事,赞颂邓小平领导百色起义的历史功绩。
On December 11, 1929, a red storm broke out in the Youjiang area of Guangxi - a Baise Uprising was held. The Baise Uprising was yet another large-scale armed uprising held under the guidance of Mao Zedong’s thought of “armed separatism between workers and peasants” and following the Nanchang Uprising, the Autumn Harvest Uprising and the Guangzhou Uprising. After the uprising, the Seventh Army of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants Red Army and the Youjiang revolutionary base area were established and a glorious page was written in the history of Chinese revolution. The Spring and Autumn of 60 have passed. The people of the Youjiang River once mentioned the feelings of reverence and miss by referring to the leaders of the uprising such as Deng Xiaoping, Zhang Yunyi, Li Mingrui and Wei Baqun. In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Baise Uprising, some veterans of the Red Army in Guangxi recalled their past fights and lives together with Deng Xiaoping, and praised the historical achievements of Deng Xiaoping in leading the Baise Uprising.