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   I. 单词(Words) (共5小题,计5分)
   A) 写出下面单词的同音词。
  1. high_________ 2. be_________ 3. see_________
  4. write_________ 5. hare_________
   II. 从A, B, C三个选项中选择最佳的一项完成下列句子。(共10小题,计10分)
  ()6. —When’s your birthday?
   —It’s _________January.
   —What would you like_________ a birthday present?
   —I would like a yo-yo.
   A. on; for B. in; as_________ C. on; with
  ()7. —Where_________ you just now?
   —I_________ at school.
   A. were; was B. were; were C. was; were
  ()8. —What does it mean?
   —It means you shouldn’t_________.
   A. smoking B. smoked C. smoke
  ()9._________ you_________ your grandparents last weekend?
   A. Did; visited B. Did; visit C. Do; visited
  ()10. Last Friday they_________ a_________ race.
   A. had; running B. haved; running C. had; runing
  ()11. I_________ a kite and_________ it on the wall yesterday.
   A. maked; puted B. made; put C. made; puted
  ()12. It is an_________ day, and we are all very_________.
   A. excited; exciting B. exciting; exciting C. exciting; excited
  ()13. We usually_________ moon cakes. We_________ a lot of delicious moon cakes last weekend.
   A. eat; ate B. eat; eated_________ C. ate; ate
  ()14. Whose book is it? It’s not_________ book. It’s_________.
   A. my; her_________ B. my; hers C. my’; hers
  ()15. —What_________ is it?
  —It’s four o’clock.
   A. time B. year C. day
   Ⅲ. 选择单词或词组(每个只能用一次),将其标号填在横线上。(共5小题,计5分)
  16. The book is_________ the bed.
  17. Could I_________ Mike, please?
  18. Don’t read_________. It’s bad for your eyes.
  19. It is a_________ pencil.
  20. I will_________ with Mike this week.
   Ⅳ. 根据所给的情景选择合适的一项完成对话(注:有两项为多余项)。(共5小题,计10分)
   Ⅴ. 阅读理解。(共10小题,计20分)
   A) 阅读短文, 根据短文内容完成文后问题。
   Nikki has two cats, Tiger and Sniffer, and two dogs, Spot and Wiggles. Tiger is an orange stripped cat. It likes to sleep under the big tree. It also likes to be a real tiger. Sniffer is a gray cat. It likes to see the flowers in Nikki’s garden. Spot has many black spots(斑点). Wiggles is a big brown dog. It runs all the time when it is happy.
  26. Where does Tiger like to sleep?
  27. Is Tiger a real tiger?
  28. What colour is Sniffer?
  29. Which dog has black spots?
  30. Which dog is brown?
   B) 看图,读短文,回答问题。
   John’s father is a headmaster. His mother is a teacher. Sam’s uncle works in a hospital. He is a doctor. May’s aunt also works in a hospital. She is a nurse. Tom’s sister is a salesgirl. She sells clothes in a shop. His father works in a factory. He is a worker.
  ()31. Who is a headmaster?
   A. John._________ B. John’s father. C. John’s mother.
  ()32. What is John’s mother?
   A. A headmaster. B. A doctor. C. A teacher.
  ()33. Where does Sam’s uncle work?
   A. In a hospital. B. In a factory. C. At school.
  ()34. What is May’s aunt?
   A. A teacher. B. A nurse. C. A doctor.
  ()35. Tom’s sister sells clothes in a shop. What is she?
   A. A salesgirl. B. A student. C. A worker.
   Ⅵ. 智力测试(IQ test)。(共5小题,计15分)
  ()36. “害群之马”应译为:_________.
   A. black horse B. black sheep C. black boy
  ()37. She is as busy as_________.
   A. a bird B. a bee C. a dog
  ()38. Which is the capital city of America?
   A. New York. B. Berlin. C. Washington.
  ()39. What figure completes the sequence?(接下来的图形应该是哪一个?)
  40. How many rooms can you find?
   Ⅶ. 小作文(Composition) (计15分)
   提示: 以My Bedroom为题写一篇小作文。
   1. 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,用词得当,语法正确,书写清晰、规范;
   2. 可根据所给的图片作适当地发挥;
   3. 不得少于50个单词。
  I. 1. hi 2. bee 3. sea 4. right 5. hairII. 6~10 BACBA 11~15 BCABAIII. 16~20 AEDBCIV. 21~25 CBAFGV. 26. It likes to sleep under the big tree. 27. No, it is an orange stripped cat. 28. Gray. 29. Spot. 30. Wiggles.VI. 31~35 BCABA 36~39 BBCF 40. 见右图Ⅶ. 略
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1. 副词放错位置  误 Such a man has been hardly believed.  正 Such a man has hardly been believed.  简析 often, usually, always, never, hardly, seldom等副词应置于助动词的后边,been, being的前面。    2. 不及物动词错用被动语态  误 Great c