A Pilot Study of the English Pronunciation Errors of Chinese L2 Learners

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liu033041
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  【Abstract】This paper aims at finding out the English pronunciation errors of Chinese L2 learners using the material The North Wind and the Sun accompanied by the factors causing these errors. It also tries to put forward some strategies and teaching activities to improve the pronunciation of Chinese learners. This paper is just a pilot study and the large-scale study should be conducted in order to better the pronunciation teaching and learning.
  【Key words】pronunciation; strategies; teaching activities
  1. Introduction
  Pronunciation is regarded as the most difficult and serious problem for intelligibility in communication. According to Michael Wei, pronunciation should be an integrated and integral part of language learning and cannot be separated from language learning. Wong (1993) argues that the importance of pronunciation is even more distinct when it comes to the connection between pronunciation and listening comprehension. This paper aims at finding out the pronunciation errors of Chinese L2 learners using the material The North Wind and the Sun accompanied by the factors causing these errors. It also tries to put forward some strategies and teaching activities to improve the pronunciation of the Chinese learners. This paper is just a pilot study and in the future, the large-scale study should be conducted in order to better the pronunciation teaching and learning.
  The error in this paper refers to any derivation from Received Pronunciation or General America.
  2. Method
  In this part, the material used for recording, the subject’s background information and the measurement of the errors will be described in detail.
  2.1 Material
  The material used for recording is the North Wind and the Sun. The recording will be recorded two times based on three levels: word level, sentence level and oral speech level. The recording is recorded in the specialized recording multimedia room of Dong-a university and all the exterior interference that will have influence on the result is excluded so the recording is adequate for the analysis.
  2.2 Subject
  The subject is a 40 years old female and the Ph.D. student of Dong-a university majoring in sports. She comes from the countryside of Si Chuan province, China. She began to learn English at 12 via the grammar translation method. She did not get any formal and systematic instruction about the pronunciation. She has no experience of living in English speaking countries but has experience of teaching international students from India for 2 two years. She has been learning Korea for one and a half year. It is just less than 10% of English use in daily life before March of 2018 and the daily use of English has been increased to 30%-50% since March 2018.   2.3 Measurement of the Errors
  In order to figure out the errors of the pronunciation, three distinct ways of measurement are used, that is, self-assessment done by the subject herself; native speaker’s judgement finished by a British native speaker and an American native speaker who are both professors of Dong-a university though they don’t have the systematic knowledge of the phonology and peer judgement done by my colleague who is non-native speakers but majored in phonology and has been teaching the pronunciation for English majors for more than thirteen years. The combination of the three different measurements is adequate to figure out the errors and the results are based on their judgement.
  3. Results and Discussion
  The results are classified into three subparts consistent with the recording and the results will be analyzed one by one as follows.
  3.1 Results of Word Level
  In the word level, the discrete sounds will be analyzed so that we can make a comparison with the pronunciation in the connected speech. According to the judgement, the main pronunciation errors in the segmental level are the followings. To begin with the consonants, the subject likes to confuse the sound [?] [z] with[θ] [s] for example the word this usually pronounced as [zis] and easy as [i?i]. The second pronunciation problem is the substitution of [n] with [?] such as the word sun pronounced as song. These errors occur mainly because the sound system of Chinese and English.
【摘要】激发学生的学习兴趣,不仅是培养学生能力和习惯的前提条件,也是提高课堂教学的重要手段,值得所有初中英语教师深入思考和研究。那么,在初中英语教学中,如何通过多样的课堂活动激发学生的学习兴趣呢?下面,本文结合笔者的多年教学经验,谈谈自己的几点看法,希望可以给广大的初中英语教师提供一定的借鉴意义。  【关键词】初中英语;课堂活动;学习兴趣  【作者简介】方茹,四川省凉山州冕宁县巨龙中学校。  兴趣
【摘要】同课异构是针对相同的教学内容,根据教学条件、学生理解接受水平、教师讲课方式等不同,对教学内容进行重新设计,并由教师采用不同的教学方法进行讲解。同课异构是教师提高教学水平、提高英语课堂效率的有效途径。本文将从同课异构的理论和具体课堂实践来探讨其在高中英语课堂中的价值和运用。  【关键词】同课异构;高中英语教学;集体教研  一、引言  长期以来,高中英语教学一直是以教研组集体备课和教师独立授课
甲:为什么我覺得越是长相平凡的女生越和蔼可亲呢?  乙:那是因为那些漂亮的女生不理你。
【摘要】新课改的深入和落实进一步地推动了我国高中英语教学质量的提高,现代教育也对我国高中英语教学提出了更高要求,强调高中英语教师始终秉承“以学生为本”的教育理念,充分贯彻“学教评”一体化的教育模式。“学教评”一体化是现代教育领域提出的全新教学理念,对于我国高中英语发展有着极为深刻的影响。本文对“学教评”一体化理念在高中英语教学中的实际应用措施进行了探究。  【关键词】学教评一体化;高中英语;教学研
【摘要】在核心素养背景下的英语教学,教师需加强以培养文化意识为导向的阅读教学实践,开展文化含量高的教学活动。同时,巧妙设计问题链,提升学生高阶思维。读后活动要践行英语学习活动观,深化主题意义,让学生的阅读体验与其自身的丰富情感和生命感悟相碰撞,从而真正体现英语学科的育人价值。  【关键词】文化意识;问题链;读后活动  【作者简介】胡新秀,江苏省南京市秦淮区教师发展中心。  【基金项目】本文系南京市
【摘要】英汉两种语言的基本语序是一致的,但是定语的位置区别很大。在翻译定语从句时,无论是汉译英还是英译汉,都要格外注意语序的调整。做汉英翻译时,应注意把汉语的定语调整到名词的后面。做英汉翻译时,根据句子的功能及内在逻辑,定语从句的翻译应具体问题具体分析。  【关键词】语序;定语从句;英汉互译  【作者简介】刘永华(1986-),女,汉族,河南商丘人,硕士,商丘学院外国语学院讲师,研究方向:翻译理论
【摘要】情·知教学是在教学活动中把认知和情感整个客观过程进行统一,使学生的性格和情感、知识和智力和谐统一得到发展,传统初中英语教学一直注重对学生进行知识讲授,忽视了对学生英语口语交际能力的培养,然而初中英语教学的目的就是让学生学会用英语交流。本文作者结合自己近十年的一线英语教学经验对情·知教学在初中英语口语教学中的运用进行了阐述。  【关键词】情知教学;初中英语口语教学;运用  【作者简介】刘衍,