费正清的《美国与中国》(The United States andChina)一书是一部有着深厚学术功底和广泛社会影响的经典之作。最近,世界知识出版社根据英文最新版本 (1983年第4版)由张理京先生将它译成中文,并作为《费正清文集》的一种出版(2002年1月第1版)。应该说,这是学术界很有意义的一件事情。但笔者新近购得一本,仔细翻阅之后,发现书中存在不少误译或翻译不当之处,令人颇为遗憾。现将其缀录于后,希望出版社和译者能本着为学术负责,为读者负责的精神,在该书重印时能予以订正。 一、误译之处 1.译本第68页;“但这些道
Fei Zhengqing’s book The United States and China is a classic with profound academic credentials and extensive social influence. Recently, according to the latest edition of English (4th edition, 1983), World Intellectual Press was translated into Chinese by Mr. Zhang Lijing and published as a collection of “The Collection of Fei Zhengqing” (1st edition, January 2002). It should be said that this is a very interesting thing in academia. However, I recently purchased a book, carefully read through the book found that there are many mistranslated or improper translation, it is quite regrettable. Now emblazoned in the hope that publishers and translators can be responsible for academic, responsible for the reader’s spirit, the book can be corrected when reprinted. First, the mistranslation of the place 1. Translation of the first 68 pages; "But these