The infiltration of the art system in the film

来源 :西江文艺·下半月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolch007
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  【Abstract】:The article mainly analyzes entire network process of the film from shooting to the sale, introduces the role of the art system in each process, which guides the film to develop by invisible system. Film perfectly completes rely on theme of real life, show of story line by national traditional culture and the arts and humanities, and accepting sponsorship and investment from relevant city and corporate in the process of filming. Movie propaganda plays a pun intended effect that make the film known by the public, and led to the development of advertising propaganda and tourism. Price of a ticket is a kind of measure that directly affects the acceptance by the public and the number of watching movies. At the same time, ticket price is influenced and restricted by various aspects. Film festival and film series are also a way of positioning film, that easily accepted by the public. There is a kind of system from the production of film to the sale of film, who restricts and guides the development of the film, and is called the art system.
  【Key words】: shoot; publicity; theaters; film festival
  Film is a kind of comprehensive art, which is making image continuously show on the screen by strong light, and looks like real activity. The film is the eighth art, which includes aggregation literature, music, dance, sculpture, painting, architecture, drama artistic and so on.
  In the present situation of development of contemporary art, we face different problems, only focus on the contemporary art itself, and ignore that research developing mechanism. Such as movies, there are having many outstanding artists in the art market of China, there is not having a strong art system as the guarantee of development.
  In the development course of the film, the film contacts the traditional culture of nation and humanities, always shows conflict between people and between personality freedom and the environment which restricts the development of the personality by real life as narrative theme. People imitate nature as the essence of art, but art is a mirror shining into the reality. Art is not simple the representation of reality, is not the expression of the creator's emotion, is the art itself when it is placed on art exhibiting. The common what between art world and life world seems to need a new definition standard of art to explain some new phenomena of modern art. Film has a major characteristic that is the personalized contradiction between the creation of product popularization and mass market, which requires the movie business have the ability of specialization and integration to form professional manager team of producer who is the leader. They create a full set of modus operandi such as producer system, the star system, serial films, global marketing, post-movie production and so on in every aspect, which greatly improve the predictability and maneuverability of the efficiency of products, greatly reduce business risk, and eventually form the ability of industrialization and marketization. Chinese farmers who are looked down upon silently endured all things without complaint, defiance nor complain, and strived to life. The film of "alive" not only shows vividly protagonist, but also shows perfectly costars that have a short-time appearance. The way of showing characters to protagonist is plenty, which generally use a series of methods to make characters vivid. However, exactly language description is a good method to descript costars, because there are not too much.   The process of movie promotion may affect the fate of the whole movie box office, that some domestic films win by propagandize in the movie. Is propaganda useful to the box office? Zhang wenbo answer by the experience of founding INENTERTAINMENT that a film is a product need produce and sale. Promotion is the value of sales. The success of Thai story is not a accident, that except to rely on the new and unique film content, getting rid of the comedy inherent mode, the deep affection of audience, has a close relation with clever propaganda. From these, network marketing is not only useful for our daily necessities, but also has contacts to our all things. Start with early “To Love”, Zhang wenbo has been thinking how movie marketing achieve effective communication effect by social media channels, that make audience who paid on attention at entertainment news accept. From this perspective, although there are some regrets in the marketing of “Search”, there are some successful experience in the campaign, such as the slogan of “is my story, your story”, that run in the stars weibo, the maintenance of weibo “blue autumn bloom”, which was moved from screen to reality.
  Academy awards, awards of Shiner film festival, Venice film festival and Berlin film festival are detailed summarized in the world film awards of “Full record of world favorite movies IV”. On the basis of summarizing the previous awards, the legendary experience of best actor, best actress and director who gain awards every year is expatiated. At the same time, it also includes individually wonderful words. The world film festivals that are Shiner film festival, Venice film festival and Berlin film festival are not only a kind of effective way to show achievement of contemporary art and new actors, but also are a kind of effective way of encouraging art investment and artistic creation. Film festival and film award provide a powerful support for system and guarantee for development of film. The existing system of film is the system of economic age, which is not suited to the development of contemporary are but is not avail for cultural transmission. The core issue of Chinese films is not the issue of script, director and actor, and is the issue of the controlling ability of marketization and industrialization. As soon as forming the ability by highly-centralized resource is the main target of reform of filmdom.
【摘要】:本文总结了呼吸的重要性,呼吸的技巧和方法,歌唱呼吸的运用,让读者懂得如何去歌唱,如何去表达情感,如何正确的去运用呼吸,区别了美声,民族,流行唱法三种唱法。不仅能使我们感受和表达音乐艺术的美,而且能够使我们的身心得到健康的发展由于歌曲把音乐与文学完美地结合在一起。  【关键词】:音乐艺术美;歌唱呼吸;胸腹式联合呼吸   一、歌唱中的艺术美  (一)怎样培养歌唱艺术美   首先歌唱者应具备良
【摘要】:写生作为现代山水画教学的必备环节不仅可以训练我们的造型能力、观察能力和笔墨表现能力,同时,它在画家的艺术创作中也起着举足轻重的作用。文章主要阐述了山水画写生与山水画艺术的关系,山水画写生与山水画创作的关系,写生与把握自然规律的关系以及中国山水画写生的重要意义。  【关键词】:写生;创作;自然;意义  一、山水画写生与山水画艺术的关系  山水画写生是山水画艺术的本源,山水画技法的成熟和完备
一、文化墙市场调研的目的及方法  (一)调研目的  城市文化墙在本报告中理解为“城市围墙文化”。在物质文明高度发达的今天,围墙美化已上升为“围墙文化”现象。本课题就全国5A级旅游区、中国最大影视实景拍摄基地的横店为例,探讨在横店现有地域环境中,城市文化墙的各种表现方式对于挖掘城市品牌视觉形象塑造的价值与意义,能够使国内越来越多城市品牌的视觉形象利用城市文化墙的建设使之更加具有地域性与独特性的视觉特
蒙古族舞蹈有着悠久的历史,随着时代的发展,蒙古族舞蹈在艺术表现手法及风格式样上力求创新,达到时代精神与民族风格的统一,蒙族舞蹈《蓝色游吟》就是以草原狼的形象将蒙族舞蹈元素与狼性精神结合,希望带给观众不一样的视觉冲击。  在蒙古族,狼是草原的神,特别是草原狼——被称为中国古代文明的图腾崇拜和自然进化的发动机。狼图腾是蒙古人的一种习俗,大概意思是崇拜狼,以狼为师,以狼为神,与狼共生共处共进化,以狼的精
【摘要】:中国皮影,在华夏艺术大地上占据着举足轻重的地位,并在当今艺术设计中起着至关重要的作用。皮影元素符号作为一种独特的设计语言,越来越符合现代人们文化审美趣味,而它是以线条简约、色彩浓厚、空明清透为特征,给人最时尚简约的感官体验。  【关键词】:皮影艺术;特色艺术;室内设计  随着社会的进步,人们物质生活水平不断提高,审美也逐步倾向传统艺术特色中,所以,古老而独具特色的皮影艺术也在泥沼中慢慢显
【摘要】:本文针对目前部分儿童医院环境的现状,在分析儿童生理、心理特征的基础上,根据视觉心理效应原理,分别探讨了儿童医院的色彩、造型、灯光、声音方面与视觉心理的密切关系,以努力造温馨和谐的医疗视觉环境,从而消除儿童抗拒治疗的恐惧心理,促进儿童身心的健康发展,并为其他专业医院的环境设计提供一定的科学参考。  【关键词】:视觉;心理效应;儿童医院;环境;设计  1 视觉心理及儿童生理、心理的特点分析 
【摘要】:包装设计往往会利用形象色、象征色来区分商品属性,采用色彩对比,强化色调的搭配、统一与变化等手法来加强对色彩情感传达的表现,以便于更好地发挥其功能。  【关键词】:包装设计;色彩;情感  一、色彩情感在包装设计中的表现形式  1、利用形象色与象征色属性  形象色是指通过包装的色彩设计来直接体现商品信息,消费者观其色彩就能联想到其内容、特征和用途的用色。符合大众对该商品的普遍印象和认识,给消
【摘要】:在缤纷复杂的现代生活中,夏俊娜运用了自己独有的思考与理解,在绘画中除了对技法的把握以外,作为新时代的女性画家,在绘画中的构图与表现呈现了独特的理解和创新。通过多年的探寻,逐步形式了自己的绘画风格,尤其是在绘画中的构图表现更是费尽心思,表现了新时代女性画家的生存状态。  【关键词】:绘画;构图;女性  以构图表现在艺术创作中的定位为切入点,结合艺术创作体会,分析它们在艺术创作中的应用。通过
【摘要】:当代工笔山水画低沉的现状已有目共识,笔者通过界定工笔山水的范畴,追溯工笔山水画发展历史,探析了工笔山水画由盛及衰的原因。笔者立足于工笔山水画的形态特点,刍议了工笔山水画走出低迷状态的可能性。  【关键词】:工笔山水;当代中国画;低沉  众所周知,不同的题材与材料工具,孕生出迥异的艺术语言形态,形成专属的审美特点。在工笔画领域人物、花鸟和山水三个门类本无轻重优劣之分,但是当前工笔山水远不及