肝肾综合征(HRS)是指严重肝病且排除原发性肾脏疾病的情况下短时间内发展成的功能性肾衰,表现为显著腹水、少尿、进行性氮质血症等。HRS是肝硬化患者常见并发症之一,亦可见于肝癌和暴发性肝炎的末期。HRS时肾脏并无病理学异常,仍保留肾血流量与肾小管浓缩功能,但其治疗至今未有较理想的方法。本文介绍一般的处理方法和某些特殊的治疗手段。 1 一般措施
Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) refers to a functional liver failure developed in a short period of time in the case of severe liver disease and exclusion of primary kidney disease, with marked ascites, oliguria, progressive azotemia, and the like. HRS is one of the common complications in patients with liver cirrhosis, also seen in the end of liver cancer and fulminant hepatitis. There was no pathological abnormality in the kidneys of HRS, which still retained renal blood flow and renal tubular concentration. However, there is no ideal way to treat it. This article describes the general treatment and some special treatment. 1 General measures