Abstract:The environmental loads such as wind, wave, flow onto drilling rig and mooring system of the HaiYangShiYou 981 are analyzed according to the actual working condition in South China Sea. The Haiyang Shiyou 981 drilling rig is chosen as the research object for mooring positioning system. The 3D model of the platform is established first by using the AQWA software to simulate and analyze the motion response of the drilling device under the action of wave load. As the deep water drilling rig is fixed in the sea with twelve anchors which are symmetrical distribution, the influence of top pretension angle on dynamic response of mooring system and motion response of drilling rig under different environmental load is analyzed by changing the inclination angle of the pretension at the top of the drilling rig.
Keywords:experimental fluid mechanics; environmental load; mooring system; AQWA; motion response; 3D modeling
1)通过AQWA软件对海洋石油981半潜式钻井平台的模拟分析,得出了钻井装置锚泊系统锚泊线张力响应结果,在12点对称布锚方式下,锚泊线的角度为25°,45°,65°时,环境载荷从0°角入射,锚泊系统的张力响应最大值达到3 236 267 N,同时随着锚泊系统顶部预张力倾角的增大,锚泊线张力会减小;当倾角为50°时,锚泊线最大张力减小到1 570 878 N;
[1]颜波,宋林松,胡明兰.自升式钻井平台安全作业载荷动态效应的准静态分析[J].天然气工业,2013, 33(9):136140.
YAN Bo,SONG Linsong,HU Minglan.Quasistatic analysis of the dynamic effect of a jackup rig’s work load during safe drilling operation[J]. Natural Gas Industry, 2013, 33(9):136140. [2]马延德,张松涛,刘伟伟,等.大型半潜式钻井平台安全关键技术研究[J].中国造船,2003,44(2):5360.
MA Yande,ZHANG Songtao,LIU Weiwei, et al.Study of key safety technologies on large size semisubmersible rigs[J]. Shipbuilding of China, 2003,44(2):5360.
[3]ISO/DIS 199051—2010, Assessment of Mobile Offshore Units[S].
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DU Qinggui,FENG Wei,XIE Bin,et al. Research to the motion performance of a semi submersible drilling platform carrying different quantity of mooring chains[J].Oil Field Equipment,2014,43(3):1318.
[7]American Bureau of Shipping.Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units[M].Houston:ABS,2008.
[8]王世圣,谢彬,曾恒一,等.3 000米深水半潜式钻井平台运动性能研究[J].中国海上油气,2007,19(4):277280.
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CHEN Peng,MA Jun,YANG Qingsong,et al.Coupleddynamic response investigation of tautwire mooring systems for deepwater semisubermersible platform[J]. Journal of Dalian Maritime University, 2013,39(1):6569.
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YUE Jixiang,QI Yaoguang, XIAO Wensheng,et al.Drill floor layout of dual derrick rigs of semisubmersible drilling platforms[J].Journal of China University of Petroleum(Edition of Natural Science), 2008, 32(6):113117.
[13] WALREE I F V. Wind and Current Loads on Semisubmersibles[R]. MARIN: 498175SE,1991.
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YANG Xu, SUN Liping, CHEN Jing,et al .Time domain simulation and model experiment of dynamic position system in deepwater semisubmersible drilling platform[J]. Shipbuilding of China, 2014(2):102113.
YE Qian JIN Weiliang HE Yong,et al.Assessment of ultimate strength of semisubmersible platform[J].Journal of Ship Mechanics,2012,16(3):277295.
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[19] 刘祥建.深海钻井船锚泊系统的设计与分析[D]. 哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学,2009.
LIU Xiangjian.Mooring Design and Analysis for Drilling Ship in Deepwater[D]. Harbin: Harbin Engineering University, 2009.
[20]赵战华. 深水半潜式平台张紧式系泊性能研究[D]. 青岛:中国海洋大学,2011.
ZHAO Zhanhua.Performance Study for Taut Mooring of Deepwater Semisubmersible Drilling Platform[D]. Qingdao:China Ocean University, 2011.
[21]RAN Z, KIM M H. Nonlinear coupled responses of a tethered spar platform in waves[J]. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 1997(2):2734.
Abstract:The environmental loads such as wind, wave, flow onto drilling rig and mooring system of the HaiYangShiYou 981 are analyzed according to the actual working condition in South China Sea. The Haiyang Shiyou 981 drilling rig is chosen as the research object for mooring positioning system. The 3D model of the platform is established first by using the AQWA software to simulate and analyze the motion response of the drilling device under the action of wave load. As the deep water drilling rig is fixed in the sea with twelve anchors which are symmetrical distribution, the influence of top pretension angle on dynamic response of mooring system and motion response of drilling rig under different environmental load is analyzed by changing the inclination angle of the pretension at the top of the drilling rig.
Keywords:experimental fluid mechanics; environmental load; mooring system; AQWA; motion response; 3D modeling
1)通过AQWA软件对海洋石油981半潜式钻井平台的模拟分析,得出了钻井装置锚泊系统锚泊线张力响应结果,在12点对称布锚方式下,锚泊线的角度为25°,45°,65°时,环境载荷从0°角入射,锚泊系统的张力响应最大值达到3 236 267 N,同时随着锚泊系统顶部预张力倾角的增大,锚泊线张力会减小;当倾角为50°时,锚泊线最大张力减小到1 570 878 N;
[1]颜波,宋林松,胡明兰.自升式钻井平台安全作业载荷动态效应的准静态分析[J].天然气工业,2013, 33(9):136140.
YAN Bo,SONG Linsong,HU Minglan.Quasistatic analysis of the dynamic effect of a jackup rig’s work load during safe drilling operation[J]. Natural Gas Industry, 2013, 33(9):136140. [2]马延德,张松涛,刘伟伟,等.大型半潜式钻井平台安全关键技术研究[J].中国造船,2003,44(2):5360.
MA Yande,ZHANG Songtao,LIU Weiwei, et al.Study of key safety technologies on large size semisubmersible rigs[J]. Shipbuilding of China, 2003,44(2):5360.
[3]ISO/DIS 199051—2010, Assessment of Mobile Offshore Units[S].
ZHANG Xihai,LONG Qixun. Drilling platform security loading on semisubmersible vessel technology[J].Marine Technology, 2013(1):3335.
[5] 余龙,王娟.半潜式平台深水锚泊系统三维时域动力分析[J].中国海洋平台, 2007,22(6):3437.
YU Long,WANG Juan.Dynamic analsis of the 3D mooring system on semisubmersible platform in deep water[J].China Offshore Platform, 2007, 22(6): 3437.
[6] 杜庆贵,冯玮,谢彬,等. 半潜式钻井平台锚链携带量对运动性能的影响研究[J].石油矿场机械, 2014,43(3):1318.
DU Qinggui,FENG Wei,XIE Bin,et al. Research to the motion performance of a semi submersible drilling platform carrying different quantity of mooring chains[J].Oil Field Equipment,2014,43(3):1318.
[7]American Bureau of Shipping.Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units[M].Houston:ABS,2008.
[8]王世圣,谢彬,曾恒一,等.3 000米深水半潜式钻井平台运动性能研究[J].中国海上油气,2007,19(4):277280.
WANG Shisheng, XIE Bin, ZENG Hengyi, et al. Study on motion performance of 3 000 meters deepwater semisubmersible drilling platform[J]. China Offshore Oil and Gas, 2007,19(4):277280.
[9] 陈鹏,马骏,杨青松,等.深水半潜平台张紧式系泊系统耦合动力响应研究[J].大连海事大学学报,2013,39(1):6569.
CHEN Peng,MA Jun,YANG Qingsong,et al.Coupleddynamic response investigation of tautwire mooring systems for deepwater semisubermersible platform[J]. Journal of Dalian Maritime University, 2013,39(1):6569.
XIAO Yue, WANG Yanying.Computational analysis of moored floatingbody[J].Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 2005, 45(5):682688.
[11]施雷,张红,冯定,等. 海上隔水套管力学分析[J].船舶力学, 2013, 41(11) :6569.
SHI Lei,ZHANG Hong,FENG Ding,et al. Mechanical analysis of offshore riser [J]. China Petroleum Machinery,2013, 41(11): 6569.
[12] 岳吉祥,綦耀光,肖文生,等.半潜式钻井平台双联钻机钻台布局设计[J].中国石油大学学报(自然科学版),2008,32(6):113117.
YUE Jixiang,QI Yaoguang, XIAO Wensheng,et al.Drill floor layout of dual derrick rigs of semisubmersible drilling platforms[J].Journal of China University of Petroleum(Edition of Natural Science), 2008, 32(6):113117.
[13] WALREE I F V. Wind and Current Loads on Semisubmersibles[R]. MARIN: 498175SE,1991.
[14] PINKSTER J A. Low Frequency Second Order Wave Exciting Forces on Floating Structures[D].Delft:Delft University of Technology,1980. [15] 周洋.深水悬链线锚泊系统多成份锚泊线设计[D]. 哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学,2008.
ZHOU Yang.Design for Multicomponent Mooring Line of Deep Water Catenary Mooring System[D]. Harbin: Harbin Engineering University, 2008.
YANG Xu, SUN Liping, CHEN Jing,et al .Time domain simulation and model experiment of dynamic position system in deepwater semisubmersible drilling platform[J]. Shipbuilding of China, 2014(2):102113.
YE Qian JIN Weiliang HE Yong,et al.Assessment of ultimate strength of semisubmersible platform[J].Journal of Ship Mechanics,2012,16(3):277295.
LI Zhihai.Dynamic Analysis of Multipoints Mooring System for Semisubmersible Platform[D].Dongying:China University of Petroleum (East China), 2010.
[19] 刘祥建.深海钻井船锚泊系统的设计与分析[D]. 哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学,2009.
LIU Xiangjian.Mooring Design and Analysis for Drilling Ship in Deepwater[D]. Harbin: Harbin Engineering University, 2009.
[20]赵战华. 深水半潜式平台张紧式系泊性能研究[D]. 青岛:中国海洋大学,2011.
ZHAO Zhanhua.Performance Study for Taut Mooring of Deepwater Semisubmersible Drilling Platform[D]. Qingdao:China Ocean University, 2011.
[21]RAN Z, KIM M H. Nonlinear coupled responses of a tethered spar platform in waves[J]. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 1997(2):2734.