真菌广泛存在于自然界。在健康人的鼻腔和咽腔黏膜表面亦可培养出多种真菌,这些真菌可作为正常菌群而长期存在,当自身免疫力下降或鼻腔、鼻窦微环境发生改变时,可导致真菌大量繁殖及侵入组织而致病,形成真菌性鼻-鼻窦炎。急性侵袭性真菌性鼻-鼻窦炎(acute invasive fungal rhino-sinisitis,AIFRS)是一种发生于鼻腔、鼻窦的急性真菌感染性疾病,起病急骤,病变进展迅速,病
Fungi are found in nature. In healthy people’s nasal cavity and pharyngeal mucosa surface can also be cultured a variety of fungi, these fungi can be used as a normal flora and long-term existence, when the decline in autoimmune or nasal and sinus changes in microenvironment, can cause a large number of fungal reproduction and Invasion of tissue disease, the formation of fungal rhinosinusitis. Acute invasive fungal rhino-sinisitis (AIFRS) is a kind of acute fungal infection that occurs in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinus. It has a rapid onset, rapid progression of the disease,