
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weicengh
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Aim: To assess cognitive functions in a population-based group of children wi th hydrocephalus and to analyse differences between children with and without my elomeningo-coele (MMC); with hydrocephalus already present at birth and those who develop ed it later; children born at full term and those born preterm. Methods: Of 103 children with hydrocephalus born in the western-Swedish region in 1989-1993, 7 3 were assessed using the Wechsler Intelligence Scales or the Griffith Developme ntal Scales. Results: One-third of the children were normally gifted (IQ > 85), another 30%had a low average IQ of 70-84 and 37%had learning disabilities wi th an IQ of < 70. The median IQ was 75, verbal IQ 90 and performance IQ 76 (p < 0.001). An IQ of < 70 was found in 19 of 45 (42%) children without MMC and in 8 of 28 (29%) of those with MMC. Children born preterm had a lower IQ of 68 than those born at full term with an IQ of 76, while children with hydrocephalus pre sent at birth but without MMC had a lower IQ of 60 than the others with an IQ of 77. Children with cerebral palsy and/or epilepsy (n = 22) had a lower IQ of 66 than the IQ of 78 in those without these impairments (p < 0.01). Conclusion: Cog nitive functions in children with hydrocephalus need to be carefully assessed be fore school age to ensure adequate support and education. Even the one-third ne ar normally gifted children with an IQ of 70-85 require special attention, due to the profile of relatively well-preserved verbal functions but greatly impair ed perceptual and non-verbal abilities. Aim: To assess cognitive functions in a population-based group of children wi th hydrocephalus and to analyze the differences between children with and without my elomeningo-coele (MMC); with hydrocephalus already present at birth and those who develop ed it later; children born at full term and those born preterm. Methods: Of 103 children with hydrocephalus born in the western-Swedish region in 1989-1993, 7 3 were assessed using the Wechsler Intelligence Scales or the Griffith Developmental Scales. Results: One-third of the Another 30% had a low average IQ of 70-84 and 37% had learning disabilities wi an an IQ of <70. The median IQ was 75, verbal IQ 90 and performance IQ 76 ( Children born with preterm had a lower IQ of 68 than those born at (29%) of those with MMC full term with an IQ of 76, while children with hydrocephalus pre sent at birth but without MMC had a lower IQ of 60 than the others with an IQ of 77. Children with cerebral palsy and / or epilepsy (n = 22) had a lower IQ of 66 than the IQ of 78 in those without these impairments (p <0.01). Conclusion: Cog nitive functions in children with hydrocephalus need to be carefully assessed be fore school age to ensure adequate support and education. Even the one-third ne ar gifted children with an IQ of 70-85 require special attention, due to the profile relatively well-preserved verbal functions but greatly impair ed perceptual and non-verbal abilities.
目的 探讨小切口非超声乳化人工晶体植入手术疗效。方法 对60例67眼行小切口非超声乳化人工晶体植入术,设超声乳化组为对照组,对术后视力结果做比较分析。结论 小切口非超声
【内容摘要】少数民族大都居住在偏远地区或山区,他们的文化水平和对时代发展的认知程度远远落后于其他地区。怎样培养少数民族地区学生成人成才是每位少数民族地区教育工作者探究的重要课题。本文从班主任管理工作方面浅谈了少数民族地区高中阶段的教育管理工作。  【关键词】少数民族地区 班主任 管理  由于少数民族自身的特殊性以及受当地社会、经济、历史、自然环境等因素的制约,少数民族地区的教育尤其是高中教育仍面临
【内容摘要】对升学考试数学试卷命制的评价是一个系统的工程,需从试题本身、试卷的设计、参考答案及评分标准以及试卷的格式四个方面进行评价。一份升学考试数学试卷,只有经得起这四个方面的评价,才是一份合格的升学考试试卷。  【关键词】评价 试题本身 试卷设计 参考答案及评分标准 试卷格式 命題制卷技术  评价一份升学考试数学试卷命制的优劣,可以从试题本身、试卷的设计、参考答案及评分标准以及试卷的格式四个角