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传说一相传盘古开天辟地时,把乳源给忘记了,以致留下一座座崇山峻岭未劈地成田。由于田地少,居住在大布一带的村民日子过得很苦。勤劳的村民挥锄挖山,造田耕种,但因人少力薄,造田艰难。于是每年农历六月六日,村民们便聚集于送鹤坪上(现峡谷顶端),用猪头、公鸡、水果祷告天地神仙。玉皇大帝深受感动,派遣大力士神仙骑着青牛下凡,将大布垌的山岭犁成小盆地的良田。当犁到埕头时,大力神听到玉皇大帝的召唤,使劲地将犁头拔起来,然后腾空而去。从此,这里就变成了怪石嶙峋的大峡谷。传说二听当地老人说,大峡谷的形成有一段动人的传说:远古的时候,村里有一位美丽的姑娘偷偷地和一位常常路经村子的青年挑夫相爱,他们的恋情遭到了族人的反对。一天晚上,青年和姑娘到北山约会,被族人追 Legend has it that a Pangu legend, the source of milk to forget, leaving a towering mountain did not split into Narita. Due to the small number of fields, villagers living in Dabu lived very bitter days. Diligent villagers play hoe dug mountains, cultivating fields, but less people thin, difficult to create fields. So every year on June 6, the villagers gathered at Hoping (now the top of the canyon), using pigs, roosters and fruits to pray for the gods from all over the world. Jade Emperor was deeply touched, sending Hercules fairy riding young cow descendants, the big cloth ridge of the mountain plow into a small basin of fertile land. When the plow to the bow head, the Titan heard Jade Emperor’s call, pulled the plow hard, and then vacated. Since then, it has become a rugged Grand Canyon. Legends II Listen to local elders saying that the formation of the Grand Canyon has a touching legend: In ancient times, a beautiful girl in the village secretly fell in love with a young porter who often passed the village. Their love affair was opposed by ethnic groups. One night, young people and girls went to Beishan for dating and were chased by the tribe
黄金出在沙中,宝石出在山中,谚语出在心中。彩虹是圣空的光彩,骏马是草原的光彩,知识是学者的光彩,人民是祖国的光彩。 Gold out of the sand, gems in the mountains, the
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散文的精髓和神韵是立意。立意的起点决定散文品位的高低。朱自清站在圣洁高尚的起点上,写出了一组超凡脱俗,格调高雅的优美散文。 The essence and charm of prose is the