白宁,从一个怀揣600美元只身一人到加拿大的普通中国留学生,到拥有咨询、教育、旅游、新闻报业及餐饮连锁等加拿大海外集团公司的声名赫赫的大企业家,10年间,他凭智慧、凭信心、凭勇往直前的激情,没给人打过一天工,却已是加拿大新华商中首屈一指的人物,获加拿大政府颁发的杰出成就奖。在自己的后院挖掘生命的富矿 1992年,白宁只身到加拿大读书,爱看广告的他,希望从广告中迅速了解新环境,因为广告中有一些社会上的商务活动,这些东西会提供找机会的途径,他发现的第一个信息就是办舞会。当年在清华当学生会主席的时候,他也办过很多舞会,据说白宁是第一个在清华办收费舞会的人。花18加元买一张门票,来个四五百人,光门票收入就有9000多加币!
Bai Ning, an ordinary Chinese student carrying $ 600 a person to Canada and a prominent big entrepreneur with Canadian Overseas Group companies, including consulting, education, travel, news newspaper and restaurant chains, for 10 years, , With confidence, with courage and passion, did not give a man a day job, but it is Canada’s Xinhua businessmen in the leading figure won the Canadian government awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award. In his own backyard to dig the life of rich ore In 1996, Bai Ning only went to Canada to study, love to see him advertising, hoping to quickly understand the new environment from the ad, because advertising has some social business activities, these things will provide opportunities to find The first message he found was a party. He was also a host of ball parties when he was a student council member of Tsinghua University. It is said that Beining was the first person to pay a ball at Tsinghua University. Spend 18 Canadian dollars to buy a ticket, to four or five hundred people, there are more than 9,000 Canadian light ticket revenue!