从患病杂色鲍Haliotisdiversicolor病灶上以TCBS及 2 2 1 6E平板划线各分离到两株致病性细菌 ,经人工感染实验可出现与自然发病相同的症状 ,并从感染鲍分离到同一菌株 ,证明该两株菌为杂色鲍溃疡症的病原菌。这两株菌的特征具明显一致性 :革兰氏阴性 ,短杆状 ,极生单鞭毛。氧化酶和过氧化氢酶阳性 ,淀粉酶、明胶酶阳性及脲酶阴性 ,可还原硝酸盐 ,不能利用柠檬酸 ,不产生吲哚和硫化氢 ,MR阳性、V .P实验阴性 ,发酵葡萄糖产酸不产气 ,O/ 1 2 9敏感 ,0 %和 1 0 %胰胨水中不生长。经鉴定该病原菌为亮弧菌ⅡVib riosplendidus-Ⅱ。还对亮弧菌进行了药敏试验 ,该菌对氨苄青霉素、氯霉素、复方新诺明等药物非常敏感 ,这些药物可作为防治该病的首选药物
Two strains of pathogenic bacteria were isolated from Haliotis diversicolor lesions on TCBS and 2 2 1 6E plates, and the same symptoms as the natural ones were found after artificial infection, and the same strains were isolated from infected abalone , To prove that the two strains of gastropod bacteria ulcer disease pathogens. The characteristics of these two strains are clearly consistent: Gram-negative, short rod-shaped, polar single flagella. Oxidase and catalase positive, amylase, gelatinase positive and urease-negative, can reduce nitrate, can not use citric acid, does not produce indole and hydrogen sulfide, MR positive, V. P negative, fermentation of glucose acid Not gas, O / 1 2 9 sensitive, 0% and 10% tryptone water does not grow. The pathogen identified as Vibrio ribonucleic acid Ⅱ Vib riosplendidus-Ⅱ. The drug sensitivity test was also carried out on the bright vibrio, which is very sensitive to drugs such as ampicillin, chloramphenicol and cotrimoxazole. These drugs can be used as the drug of choice for the prevention and treatment of the disease