洛赛克静脉给药治疗消化性溃疡出血有效率达 90 % 〔1〕。本文采用序贯设计对洛赛克静脉滴注针剂治疗消化性溃疡出血的疗效 ,进行了观察。报告如下。1 资料与方法本组 2 0例上消化道大出血病人均经胃镜诊断为消化性溃疡。所用药物为瑞典阿斯特拉公司生产的针剂洛赛克。用法为
Losec intravenous treatment of peptic ulcer bleeding rate of 90% 〔1〕. In this paper, the sequential design of the efficacy of intravenous injection of Luo Saike peptic ulcer bleeding were observed. The report is as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 20 cases of upper gastrointestinal bleeding patients were diagnosed as peptic ulcer by gastroscope. The drug used is the injection of Losec produced by Astra, Sweden. Usage is