
来源 :云南教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:intercsw
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人都有被别人理解的需要,对于重荣誉、求贡献的教师,这种需要更加迫切。实践证明,当教师与学校领导都感到互相理解的时候,就会产生“自己人”的心理效应,而这种效应往往会使教师产生强烈的责任感、事业心,推动学校工作顺利进行。学校领导要理解教师,理解些什么呢?就是要理解教师的劳动特点、教师的生活、教师的困难和教师的情绪。要与教师同甘共苦,为教师分忧解难。理解教师,首先要设身处地把自己摆在教师的位置上,去体验感受教师艰辛的劳动。教师的工作不会机械地受时间和地点的限制而中断。比如,一个教师对某一学生进行思想教育时,为取得教育的良好效果,往往要超越“下班”的时间界限和校内的空间界限,备课、批改作业在校内未完成,晚上带回家还要继续。 People have the need to be understood by others. This need is more urgent for teachers who value honor and make contributions. Practice has proved that when teachers and school leaders all feel that they understand each other, they will have the psychological effect of “owners”, and this effect will often lead teachers to have a strong sense of responsibility and dedication to promote the smooth progress of school work. School leaders need to understand teachers and understand what they are. They must understand the characteristics of teachers’ work, teachers’ lives, teachers’ difficulties, and teachers’ emotions. We must share common problems with teachers and solve problems for teachers. To understand teachers, we must first place ourselves in the position of teachers and experience the hard work of teachers. The teacher’s work is not mechanically interrupted by time and place. For example, when a teacher conducts ideological education for a certain student, in order to obtain a good educational effect, he must often exceed the time limit of “off work” and the space boundary within the school. Preparations for lessons and corrections are not completed within the school and they are brought home at night. carry on.
为了验证自行设计的循环水处理系统的养殖效果,利用该系统进行了为期3个月的室内草金鱼养殖试验。结果表明,该循环水处理系统,可维持水体浑浊度在低水平范围1.0~4.0 NTU、能
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