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现在很多家长都非常重视孩子的幼小衔接,尤其是对孩子学前拼音的教学,但是这样的提前学习是否真的有利于孩子一年级的拼音学习。本文针对此进行了为期两个半月的调查研究,得出结论:幼小衔接,拼音教学不用急。同时针对孩子不同的拼音学习基础,如何有的放矢的展开拼音教学提出了自己的看法和建议。 Nowadays, many parents attach great importance to children’s young connections, especially for children’s pre-school pinyin teaching. However, such advancement learning really helps the first-grade pinyin learning of children. This article was conducted for a period of two and a half months of investigation and study, concluded: young cohesion, pinyin teaching not urgent. At the same time for children based on different phonetic learning foundation, how to put forward targeted Pinyin teaching put forward their own views and suggestions.