安德鲁·布朗博士自1995年12月1日起被任命为德尔福汽车系统公司的工程总监,1999年1月起,他同时兼任德尔福科技公司(DTI)总裁。他此次来中国主要是拜访与德尔福有工作交往的政府官员和高等院校,探索德尔福与中国的未来合作和发展,更好地了解客户要求。本刊记者就有关德尔福最新技术的应用和发展对安德鲁·布朗博士进行了专访。(图1) 问:德尔福有许多面向未来的新技术,请介绍最近几年能采用的新技
Dr. Andrew Brown has been named Engineering Director of Delphi Automotive Systems since December 1, 1995 and from January 1999 he is also the President of Delphi Technology Corporation (DTI). This time he came to China mainly to visit government officials and universities that have working contacts with Delphi to explore the future cooperation and development between Delphi and China and to better understand the requirements of customers. Our reporter on the application of the latest technology and development of Delphi Dr. Andrew Brown conducted an interview. (Figure 1) Q: Delphi has many future-oriented new technologies, please introduce the new technology can be used in recent years