Study of the Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue at the Level of Lexis in Chinese College Students’ E

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  Abstract:English and Chinese belong to different languages and have great differences in morphology,lexis,syntax,pragmatics,and etc.Many researches at home and abroad indicate that the negative transfer of mother tongue takes place in the process of Chinese students’ English writing.However,most of the studies concentrate on the general introduction of the negative transfer of mother tongue and analysis of its cause and effect; fewer studies explore the negative transfer on lexis thoroughly.On the basis of the theories of mother tongue transfer,this paper aims to study the lexical transfer of Chinese to English writing.
  Key words:Negative transfer of mother tongue;English writing;lexis;strategies
  1 Introduction
  Nowadays,English writing is playing significant role in our life.In fact,there exists a great problem in Chinese students’ English writing because of their dependence on Chinese.Most students feel difficult to write an accurate and fluent passage because of kinds of problems caused by the transfer between English and Chinese.It is the negative transfer of mother tongue that hinders the students’ writing competence on most occasions.
  2 Definition of the negative transfer
  Odlin (2001:17) has suggested that transfer is an impact resulting from the similarities and differences between the target language and any other language that has been previously acquired.Language transfer can be classified into two categories: Negative Transfer and Positive Transfer in terms of the difference and similarities between L1 and L2.(Hu,2011:40) Negative Transfer refers to the use of native language patterns or rule that leads to an error or inappropriate form in the target language.
  3 The negative transfer on the level of lexis
  3.1 Negative transfer to word meaning
  Most words in English have many meanings or shades of meaning.Following a functional approach,Leech (1981) categorizes seven kinds of meaning,and the different kinds of meaning have induced some problems for students to figure out the most appropriate meaning of words.Most of time students may use some English equivalents whose meanings are similar to those Chinese when they cannot express his thoughts precisely and accurately because of his deficiency in vocabulary.
  3.2 Misuse of part of speech
  As is known to us,words can be used as different part of speech both in English and Chinese but the differences between Chinese and English in part of speech are significant.The vocabulary of Chinese is mainly divided according to the lexical meaning of the word,and the Chinese vocabulary has no special markings.The part of speech in English is divided according to its grammatical function in the sentence.English words have their own word marks,and if there is no change in the affixes,there would be no conversion of the part of speech.   3.3 Errors in Lexical Collocation
  Lexical collocation refers to the habitual combination of words and words rather than accidental combination.English vocabulary collocation is largely a habitual or routine use of words.From the grammatical rules of the word,the errors of the learners’ lexical collocation are mainly manifested in the collocation errors between the content words and the collocation between the content words and the prepositions.Meanwhile,the mother tongue of the negative transfer of the lexical collocation brought about by the semantic aspects of the error.
  4 Conclusion
  Language transfer to English learning is inevitable,but not all types of language transfer are bad phenomena,because language transfer includes positive transfer and negative transfer.The reason why the negative transfer occurs frequently is that students have limited proficiency both in language ability of mother tongue and target language.Meanwhile,it is true that the native language environment always have an impact on the language transfer,especially for English learners in China.
  [1]Odlin,T.Language Transfer:Cross-linguistic Influence in Language Learning [M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001.
  [2]Leech G.Semantics:The Study of Meaning,2nd Ed[J].Penguin Books,1981.
  [3]Hu Zhuanglin.Linguistics:A Course Book,Fourth edition[M].Beijing University Press,2011.
一、当前高中语文阅读教学面临的问题  《语文课程标准》指出:要“培养学生广泛的阅读兴趣,扩大阅读面,增加阅读量,提倡少做题,多读书,读好书,好读书,读整本的书。”无论是学校还是语文教师,都很重视阅读。但是,当我们透过表面去审视学生的阅读效果时,学生的阅读流于形式、泛泛而读的不良习惯,过于快餐化、碎片化,由于课业负担重,理科学生“没工夫读书”。有的教师受各种考试束缚,课堂教学死守教参、教材,不敢对课
摘 要:有效的体育课堂能够促进学生身心全面发展,可以在体育课堂中提高学生的良好素养,可如今的体育教学现状并不理想,体育课堂效率仍旧处在低迷状态,那么我们教师应当如何进行改变才能做到有效课堂的构建呢?这就需要我们利用自己丰富的教学经验,结合学生的发展特点,有效的设计体育课堂。本文对小学体育教学的问题与对策做出思考,旨在抛砖引玉,希望能够帮助小学生提升身体素质。  关键词:小学体育;教学;问题;对策 
摘 要:在我国的小学语文教学体系当中,朗读教学一直以来都是非常重要的组成部分之一,而小学语文新课标也都在一直强调着小学生需要通过语文朗读教学,可以流利地准确地,带有感情的对课文进行朗读。然而在实际的教学当中,不少学生都无法对语文朗读产生兴趣,而且朗读面也比较窄无法做到有效的朗读。所以,小学语文教师需要及时找出在朗读教学过程中所存在的问题,并进行有效的分析和解决。  关键词:小学语文;朗读教学;兴趣
摘 要:众所周知,数学理论知识点的学习是由简单到复杂、由少到多的过程。理论知识点是构成数学语言的基本单位,对理论知识点的学习与研究对中国学生的理论知识点掌握和数学学习有巨大的帮助,有效的数学学习策略和记忆方法,对于数学学习有很好的启示作用。本文章对小学数学知识点记忆教学进行分析,旨在帮助孩子们提高记忆力,更好地进行数学学习,对孩子以后的成长与学习都有益处。  关键词:记忆方法;小学数学;知识点;教
摘 要:诗歌鉴赏在高中语文教学体系当中一直都占有很重要的地位,它具有文学之母的美称,其特点也决定了诗歌鉴赏也是文学鉴赏的最高形式,而它也是高考的重点内容之一,但是大部分的学生在这类题上的得分率都比较低。因此,高中语文教师需要采用丰富的教学手段,通过打造趣味性的教学课堂让学生对诗歌产生浓厚的学习兴趣,这样他们才能对诗歌教学有一个更全面的掌握,也能提高自身的诗歌鉴赏水平,最终以最好的状态迎接人生的重要
教育即生长,是杜威关于教育的基本认识。要培养和造就卓越的学生,就要有卓越的教师。学生的发展离不开教师的发展,卓越的教师才能培养出卓越的人才。教师走向卓越是教研發展的应有之意。教育作为社会的一个有机组成部分,有着区别于其他社会现象的特点,在活动目的、活动形式、活动内容三方面,它是独树一帜的。因此教师专业发展的突破,除了依赖教师专业发展的一般要求来完成,还要挖掘教师的自我专业发展意识。  在当今文化多
摘 要:爱心是关注,给予;爱心是理解,宽容;爱心是信任,尊重。它是一種信心鼓励,一种潜能激发,爱心对学生来说是给他们以鼓励,安慰,快乐。只有尊重学生,学生才会大胆发表自己的见解,才能于学生的身心发展。教师对学生的尊重是对学生的肯定和支持,会使学生更自信、自尊。  关键词:爱心;爱学生;关注;理解;尊重  “爱学生”是教师人格的灵魂,也是师德的核心。“爱”更是陶行知先生一生献身教育事业的不竭动力。而
查尔斯·赫梅尔说:“我们的星球,犹如一条漂泊于惊涛骇浪中的航船,团结对于全人类的生存是至关重要的。”为了人类未来的航船不至于在惊涛骇浪中颠覆,为了使我们的队员成为“地球之舟”合格的船员,作为一名辅导员,我们有责任培养好自己的小水手,让他们拥有勇敢、坚定、机智的美德,同时也让他们成为一个心灵丰富的人,懂得善良、同情、友爱、关怀……让我们的“地球之舟”充满爱。  然而在现实中,我们的少先队教育有时候却
解构主义作为一种设计风格的探索兴起于20世纪80年代,但它的哲学渊源则可以追溯到1967年。当时一位哲学家德里达[1](Jacque Derrida,1930—2004)基于对语言学中的结构主义的批判,提出了“解构主义”的理论。他的核心理论是对于结构本身的反感,认为符号本身已能够反映真实,对于单独个体的研究比对于整体结构的研究更重要。  雅克·德里达而德里达及其他解构主义者攻击的主要目标正好是这种