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  We’re talking about reckoning with death, and people have different ways of doing that. In Waterville, Maine, Chuck Lakin builds coffins that double as pieces of furniture.
  Chuck: So, kinda the coffin collection here. This is just the plain pine box. There’s the, the 1)toe pincher coffin. Actually I think the first coffin was sort of a 2)gimmick, I woke up in the middle of the night, the idea came to me for one: you can stand this coffin up with five shelves in it, it’s a display cabinet. You can put it on its side, and the first, third, and fifth shelves turn 90 degrees so you can use it as an entertainment center, and when you turn it on its back, the five shelves become the lid.

  One of my friends has one of those in her living room and she just loves having new friends over for dinner, because at some 3)lull in the conversation during the evening she’ll drop in the fact that that’s her coffin over in the corner just to see what happens, and you know it always starts a conversation—after the initial shock of course. It’s a different topic that people don’t talk about, but they discover that they have something to say usually or they have something they need to say.
  This is the bookcase coffin, back here you can see the handles 4)bolted on one side. There’s only a couple of people that…that I know who have one of my coffins that’s being used as a piece of furniture, and one of them’s right here in town who bought a coffin, one that you can store flat and assemble it just in a couple of minutes with, using just 5)wedges, but she had me put three shelves in it. She uses it as a quilt storage rack. She had it in her bedroom until her husband made her take it out of the bedroom because it was 6)creeping him out, but she gets a kick out of it.
  One coffin I shipped to a woman in Iowa, she just mentioned that it was a birthday present to herself and so I had tried to time it so that it arrived the day before her birthday.

  I think, if you’re unprepared and had been ignoring it, most death is a tragedy. It’s treated like a tragedy, when it’s a natural process. I know I’m there intellectually and I have no idea how I’ll…I will respond emotionally when the time actually comes, but I think I want to get to the point where I can treat my death as an adventure.   我们正在讨论如何面对死亡。在这个问题上,不同的人有不同的方法。而在美国缅因州的沃特维尔,查克·莱金的做法是制作可作家具使用的棺材。



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