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  With huge hopes for the future, Singapore began to build the 1)infrastructure worthy of a first-world country. What started as 2)kampongs, or villages, made out of 3)makeshift houses, became high-rise buildings. What was once home for my grandfather and his family was to be transformed. It’s a story millions of Singaporeans share.

  My grandfather sold his plot of land in the 1960s and moved into a HDB, or 4)Housing Development Board home, thousands of which were sprouting up all over the island. It was an affordable way for Singaporeans to buy property and raise their standard of living.
  Liu Thai Ker (Former CEO, Housing Development Board): We had a huge task. When we first started in 1960, 1.3 million lived in 5)squatters. We worked very hard to move the squatters into the modern housing, provided with good 6)utilities. We were very clear that the only choice is to build high-rise, highdensity housing.
  Gov Ad: Running water at the turn of a tap. And, wonder of wonders—electric light.
  The new towers were 7)self-contained, with their own clinics, schools and shops.
  Liu Thai Ker: There is a [sic] internal logic in the city, just like in a human being. You must put your lung this way, your stomach this way, your ear this way. There’s a logic for the positioning of this. In a city, it’s the same thing. We actually mixed the applications across all the social-economic data so that they’re all put into the same 8)precincts.
  In public housing, it’s not an issue of 9)brick and mortar. It is part of nation-building. It is part of community-building.

  除了不能饮用的海水,新加坡几乎没有任何自然资源,但它创造的奇迹不仅仅是经济上的腾飞,更是在各种石油危机、金融风暴、经济萧条中持续的发展与繁荣。其经济发展局主席的一席话道破了天机。   High above “10)Speaker’s Corner” sits Singapore’s Economic Development Board, which has been attracting major companies to come here for decades.
  Beh Swan Gin (Chairman, Economic Development Board): I think the pressure to succeed is high, and partly that’s because Singapore can’t rely on natural resources to survive. So it has to depend on the human capital of Singapore being able to excel, but having said that, to the opportunities available to young people today, is enormously diverse. In the single city-state, in a small country, very few countries can offer that.

  Q: So how does Singapore continue [sic] to stay successful in the next 50 years?
  Beh Swan Gin: We should never assume that Singapore continue [sic] to succeed. We have to, on an ongoing basis, constantly find ways to be relevant to the global business community, to the rest of the world, with the economic direction that Singapore needs to, to go, which is innovation. How can we create new things? How can we innovate and come up with new businesses, new products and new services? We need to be a global city. We need to be a city that’s relevant to the rest of the world.
  Singapore celebrates its 50th year of independence, but, today, it’s really not independent at all. And that’s the beauty of it. Singapore’s success and its economy is [sic] interlinked to the rest of the world. It depends on many nations coming together to prosper. As the world grows richer and more people become global citizens, just imagine what can be achieved across the world in the next 50 years.


在月朗星稀的晚上,两颗怦然跳动的心在海边渐渐靠近;大洋彼岸,有人看着家中的书柜与棺材二合一家具窃笑;新加坡人在过去的50年里,看着现代住宅楼代替了身边的棚户区和小渔村。如果你嫌这些太远,那把目光收回,GF不经意的一笑让你神魂颠倒,BF在球场上的英姿让你回味良久;回到家中,父母温馨的话语、关注的目光让你忘记了外面的烦恼;在户外的艳阳下,自然界给你带来无尽惊喜(7月号)……  你只需稍微细想,就会明白
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