Introduction to lighting design of exhibition space

来源 :西江文艺·下半月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aspoptyy4
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  Abstract: lighting design is a light contact with the art of living environment, unique interpretation of the light of the world. Lighting is needed according to different space environment and the feeling of different users for professional design, can provide a satisfying the psychological needs of light environment is the most professional lighting design basic requirements.
  Key words: lighting design; Lighting design; Exhibition space
  The development overview of the lighting design, display space
  The end of last century still have a lot of people choose extremely simple lighting to light up a room show and exhibits, didn't consider the lamps and lanterns is coordinated with the environment, the light is a positive impact on people's physical and psychological, as well as the lighting control is reasonable. So a lot of commercial space lighting design in the lack of scientific nature and comfort.
  Therefore, the development of the exhibition space, and so did the development of lighting design, lighting design enriched the exhibition space and promote the development of the exhibition space.
  Provide effective illumination in the exhibition space is the key to the expression of exhibits. One important purpose is to attract customers or consumers, so the lighting design is one of the most important role to attract the line of sight. Additional, the lamplight of exhibition space design should visit route for consumers with guidance and the role of lighting, and provide appropriate homework for subsequent purchases lighting.
  the principle of artistic quality
  The so-called artistic quality, is a lighting design to contribute to the mood of the whole space show expression, shape and style is consistent to that of the environment, to decorate beautification environment and the creation of artistic atmosphere. To decoration of exhibition space, increase the spatial hierarchy, apply colours to a drawing atmosphere, added colorful appeal for people's living environment.
  the principle of economy
  The lights of the exhibition space is not necessarily more as well, with strong win, the key is scientific and reasonable. The lights of the exhibition space to meet the needs of people visual physiology and aesthetic psychology, make interior space reflect the practical value and appreciation value maximum, and achieve the unity of the use function and aesthetic function. According to the different display space use and distinguish the sharpness of the different requirements, choose the standard also each are not identical, otherwise the flashy lights rather than the icing on the cake, but cause energy waste, even cause light pollution of the environment.   security principles
  A lighting design requirements absolutely safe and reliable. Due to the lighting from the power supply, must be taken strictly prevent electric shock, prevent the security measures, such as open circuit in order to avoid the happening of the accident.
  The application of four lighting design, display space
  lighting the way
  A display space lighting design, whether can actually help to reveal a space to achieve the purpose and effect of lighting design, mainly through the lighting ways under control:
  he general illumination, this kind of lighting system is to provide an environment comprehensive space, basic lighting, make the whole space show lighting style is unified, is the most basic way of lighting. Its characteristic is based on the reasonable distribution of lamps and lanterns to the uniform distribution of lamplight, can make whole exhibition space to show more bright and spacious, is indispensable to every exhibition space lighting.
  pay attention to the lighting for visual effect
  Exhibition space lighting design should not only consider the color of the light, the basic factors such as illumination, it is more important to consider the impact of lighting design and interior architecture decoration itself.
  From the exhibition space: considering the light quality enhancement of light and shadow drama performance, and in light of the exhibits there should be a local or a dot on the illumination.
  Five, the exhibition space in the lighting design problems should be paid attention to note the level of the light effect
  Don't need to have a transition in the general space of light changes, just can ensure uniform brightness distribution, downy lamplight, can meet the requirements of the general public to interior space function. This kind of flat lighting effect has a wide range of USES. But in the modern exhibition space, often need to use the hierarchical effect of lamplight, the light depends on the location, direction and light are according to the material's surface state.
  To sum up, according to the needs of different colour, position and intensity of illumination lamps and lanterns, choosing the appropriate lamps and lanterns is the most important task of the designer. Successful lighting design in the exhibition space depends on the stylist and owner of good communication, and can guarantee the safety, visibility, and high quality lighting effects.
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【摘要】:四川民间歌曲形式多样,各具地方民间特色,是不可多得的文化瑰宝,在第一批国家级非遗申报中巴山背二哥就纳入了非物质文化遗产保护名单中。巴山背二哥的生活艰苦而质朴反映了我们劳动人们的现实生活,有着浓厚的地方音乐特色值得我们作为青年一代去学习与传承。  【关键词】:传承;非遗保护;务与责任  前言  在讲民间歌曲的传承问题前,我想先讲讲什么是民间音乐,这对我们青年一代来说既陌生又遥远,可是这却是
【摘要】:自古以来画家多在画室中创作,画家生活里的窗就自然成为画家轻松体现生活的题材:窗内的空间,窗前的静物,窗外的风景,两个空间的交融,成为不衰的主题。  【关键词】:画家;空间;意境;生活的本质  在瞬息变换的时代里,当代艺术时刻追寻着与众不同,标新立异。而如今的绘画常常沉重而复杂,人们总想在画面里承载很多的思想,似乎期望在一幅画里能够将宗教,历史,政治,社会等等都包含入内。总有人期望逃脱这种
【摘要】:本文从天然材料、沥粉工艺、画框材料三个方面浅析克里姆特绘画中的肌理表情,重新认识这位绘画大师在作品中的创新和统一,承前启后,融会贯通。综合材料的多元素打破了实用美术的界限,将绘画的审美意义和深刻的思考紧密结合,开启了绘画艺术的新纪元,给当前绘画创作以很好的启示。  【关键词】:克里姆特;综合材料;肌理  古斯塔夫·克里姆特(Gustav Klimt)是19世纪末20世纪初维也纳分离派、象
【摘要】: 1950年中央音乐学院首开扬琴课,扬琴从民间的业余化跃而转身进入了专业化发展的道路,扬琴在更新中逐步的发展壮大。新中国成立到二十世纪末期扬琴理论文献的研究也进入专业化、多元化的发展轨迹。而在这段纵向的发展时期又突显出它的阶段性,50到80年代以扬琴形制和演奏工具革新为主的理论文献占据着主流的方向,90年代则由重视形制的改革转为重视扬琴演奏技巧主流研究,并出现了关于教学、流派、二度创作等
【摘要】:意象油画是画家们在我国特有的文化背景和语境环境下所创作的艺术作品,意象油画在中国的产生与发展是建立在我国人民独有的生活体验的基础之上的,主张追求生命个体的张扬与重视,而不是单纯地局限在对于客观事物的外在和内容上,因此意象油画是与我国的本土文化紧密结合的。本文主要分析了意象油画的审美特征,以及意象油画与我国本土文化的结合,旨在为我国油画的创作凸显和弘扬中国传统文化提供理论基础。  【关键字
【摘要】:在学习山水画的历程中,对其用笔用墨的书写性、写意性的强调一直都是山水画学习进程中的焦点。随着现代印刷技术的进一步发展,我们也能够更为方便的看到与原作差异甚微的复制品。通过对古画论的学习和对中国传统绘画史论的研究,使得我们更能贴近古人作画时的心声,从而在临习过程中得心应手。下面我将通过近期对《葛稚川移居图》的临摹谈谈我的感触。  【关键词】:葛稚川;道心;逸志  一、道心  元代崛起于漠北
【摘要】: 民族音乐是民俗文化的组成部分。是传统文化的重要方面。民族音乐是实用价值和审美价值的结合,劳动人民集体智慧的结晶,是劳动人民生活中最亲密的伴侣和精神食粮。我国的民族民族音乐中有很多品种是雅、俗两种文化相互渗透的产物。本文中将探讨我国民族音乐的形成及特点。  【关键词】:民族音乐;音乐形成;音乐特点  我国是一个多民族历史悠久的文明古国。在几千年的历史长河中,我国各族人民通过生活实践创造了
【摘要】:钢琴被称之为“乐器之王”,不仅体现在风格各异的独奏作品中,更重要的是以其优美的音色、宽广的音域,广泛应用于声乐、器乐,舞蹈等作品中,起到了不可替代的衬托作用。本文選取萨克斯的典范之作,米约于1939年改编的萨克斯组曲《丑角》,论述其中钢琴伴奏的艺术特色及其演奏的具体音乐处理方法。  【关键词】:米约;萨克斯;丑角;钢琴伴奏;音乐处理  钢琴被称之为“乐器之王”,不仅体现在风格各异的独奏作
【摘要】:马原是“先锋派”的重要作家,用叙述人视点的变化来展示作品真实与虚构的转换,突出小说的叙述功能。他的“叙述圈套”名噪一时,叙述圈套的颠覆式,虚构与现实的切换,西藏元素与虚构的结合,阐释“小说即虚构”。  【关键词】:马原;虚构性;叙述圈套  作为先锋派的开拓者之一,马原以其著名的“叙述圈套”开创了中国小说界“以形式为内容”的风气,在80年代后期影响了一大批年轻作者,其虚构艺术观具有独特的魅