,Comparative long-term outcomes for pancreatic volume change, nutritional status, and incidence of n

来源 :肝胆外科与营养 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoulina1314
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Background: The difference in volume change in a pancreatic remnant according to the type of pancreaticoenterostomy after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) for long-term follow-up is unknown. Also, there are few studies that evaluate the difference in general nutritional status and pancreatic endocrine function, including new-onset diabetes mellitus (NODM) depending on the type of pancreaticoenterostomy. This study aimed to compare serial pancreatic volume changes in pancreatic remnants between pancreatogastrostomy (PG) and pancreatojejunostomy (PJ) after PD and to evaluate the difference in general nutritional status and incidence of NODM between PG and PJ. Methods: This study enrolled 115 patients who had survived for more than 3 years after PD. They were divided into the PG group and the PJ group. Their clinicopathologic factors were collected and analyzed. We calculated serial pancreas volume and pancreatic duct size precisely from preoperative stage to 5 years after surgery by image-processing software specifically designed for navigation and visualization of multimodality and multidimensional images. Consecutive changes of albumin and body mass index (BMI) as related to general nutritional status were compared between the PG and PJ groups. To evaluate the incidence and risk factors of NODM following PD, subgroup analysis was performed in 88 patients who did not have diabetes preoperatively. Results: Most patient demographics were not significantly different between the PG group (n=45) and PJ group (n=70). There was no significant difference in volume reduction between the groups from postoperative 1 month to 5 years (PG group ?18.21±14.66 mL versus PJ group ?14.43±13.05 mL, P=0.209). But there was a significant difference in increased pancreatic duct size between the groups from postoperative 1 month to 5 years (PG group 1.66±2.20 mm versus PJ group 0.54±1.54 mm, P=0.007). There was no significant difference in the increase of total serum albumin between the groups for 5 years after surgery (PG group 0.51±0.47 g/dL, 14.3% versus PJ group 0.42±0.60 g/dL, 11.3%, P=0.437). There was also no significant difference in BMI decrease between the groups (PG group ?1.13±3.12, ?4.9% versus PJ group?1.97±2.01, ?8.7%, P=0.206). On the whole, NODM was diagnosed in 19 patients out of the 88 patients (21.6%) who did not have DM preoperatively. The incidence of NODM was not significantly different between the groups (PG group 21.6% versus PJ group 21.5%, P=0.995). In addition, pancreaticoenterostomy was not an independent risk factor for NODM by logistic regression analysis (odds ratio, 0.997, 95% CI:0.356–0.2.788, P=0.995). No other risk factors for NODM were found. Conclusions: PG and PJ following PD induced similar pancreatic volume reduction during long-term follow-up. There was no difference in general nutritional status or incidence of NODM between the groups after PD.
时光飞逝,一转眼就是12年。在我担任校长的12年里,非常荣幸的是,鹰潭师范附属小学的发展获得了社会各界的肯定:学校的办学规模扩大了一倍,学生人数增长了两倍多,师资力量迅速增强,在各级各类评比竞赛中,教师、学生纷纷攀枝折桂,社会各界把越来越多关注的目光聚焦到这里。  强国必先强教,强教必先强师,强师必先强研。我认为:要办好一所学校,“强师”是关键,“强研”是根本。因此,一名出色的校长,就是一位出色的
爱因斯坦说过,教育就是忘记了在学校求学时的许多细节之后剩下的东西。是学校传给学生的知识没用,还是教师的教学让人厌倦?虽然两者都不是,但教育中最有用的因子,应该是学生在学习过程中掌握的学习方法,形成的思维习惯和行为素养,这些可谓为教育之后“剩下的”。  经常听到一些教师感叹,在校时成绩好的学生,在其毕业后,往往会把教师忘得一干二净,而那些受到教师指责批评过的学生,对教师的印象反而深刻。我们也不禁发现
20世纪40年代,我国著名生物化学家吴宪、万昕、郑集等学者聚首在重庆,怀着科学救国的梦想,于1945年春发起并成立中国营养学会,旨在发展营养科学、献身抗战保国。成立至今,中国营养学会走过70年历程,几代营养学工作者克服种种困难,众志成城,团结协作,使学会不断发展,职能日趋完善,为中国营养事业的发展、人民健康水平的提高,作出了应有的贡献,成为中国营养学界的一面旗帜。  早在上个世纪,我国就已经成为世
有的学校对书面测试采取教和考分离,表面上有利于试题的保密、测试的公正和公平,但这种测试实质上把学生完全排除在外,没有从他们的学习实际出发,这样的试题显然缺乏科学性、针对性和有效性,测试效果肯定不理想。有的学生考得差,对教师的教学产生严重的质疑和排斥,又会导致师生关系对立和冲突,出现“教学相退”的负面效果。  学生没有话语权,就会猜想哪些知识点会考、哪些知识点不会考。这种“押宝式”的复习导致教学和考