Is That an Ad? Are You Sure?中文题目:传媒学道德研究

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  This case talk about the ethical dimensions of how marketing message are presented and where they are. Guerrilla marketing in our life,some guerrilla marketing look like not advertising,and consumer or normal people don’t know this is advertising or not. Guerrilla marking always use novelty ways to show product,some time people can’t believe every guerrilla marketing,because they are always doubt this is advertising or not,and indicated that there are some ethical problems with guerrilla advertising implementations. Especially the ads,which include fear-appeal,may irritate people. Also,distraction of attention in traffic is the other important ethical problem. These kinds of guerrilla ads may reduce the effectiveness of advertisements in general and dislike of a company’s ad may lead to biased reactions towards future advertisements. Ethical,legal and societal boundaries must be considered in guerilla advertising strategies. In sum marketers of today have to take greater responsibility for the negative impacts of the practices of guerilla advertising. Guerrilla marketing has a ethics problem is make consumer doubt everything is a advertising,distrust everything,some time,guerrilla marketing will “hurt” consumer,that include mental and body self.“Companies attempt to reach private worlds of consumers and give them memorable experience with their brands by using guerrilla marketing tools.“Guerilla marketing may include some dangers. For example,ads placed in the middle of the road may distract the drivers,thus causing traffic accidents. In addition,guerilla ads placed on public buses,cabs,or private vehicles,both because of their content and their design carry the risk of traffic accidents by jeopardizing the traffic flow. Guerrilla advertising,which is one of the guerrilla marketing tools,usually attracts the attention of consumers but sometimes irritates and annoys the consumers and even breaks the law.” And explores the ethical dimensions of how marketing messages are presented and where they are presented. Those ethical problems I found from web,ethics problems of guerilla marketing include the trespassing on private property,defacing private or public property and not getting permission from the property owners. Curran and Seaton has argued that placing Burger King stickers on bus schedules to indicate store locations may be considered an act of vandalism. Pictures or pamphlets placed illegally on other places(public buses,bus stops,building walls)also point out to the same problem.” There has a example of ethics problem guerrilla marketing,that is “Perlodent ad,in a toothpaste ad that is attached to the bottle opener apparatus of the Coca Cola vending machine a woman opening the bottle with her strong and white teeth is displayed. When a customer uses the bottle opener part of the vending machine it is the woman with her white teeth that opens the bottle,thus the advertisement aims at giving the impression that the toothpaste is very effective.” I think about this guerrilla marketing with ethics problem is if a people use tooth to open a Caca Cola bottle,that is dangerous,especially that is a child,almost,children saw this guerrilla marketing,they want to do like this that,kids usually imitate the behaviors they find interesting. In the absence of a parent or a guard,the kid may attempt at opening such metal lids,which may lead to serious injuries.   In fact,“today,amid cluttered media in a world cluttered with media,marketers,out of necessity,are creating ever-more-inventive ways to get our attention.” I think guerrilla marketing is not a mistake,Some feeling from myself,I like some guerrilla marketing,because it can give me surprise,not like normal advertising,with very good art design,at now,people don’t have interesting to watch normal advertising,when audience watching TV,but that time have advertising,people just feel the advertising is a trouble,don’t want to care it,that is truth,normal advertising really is a trouble with audience and,it very boring,waste our time,and without any effects to audients. So this time,guerrilla marketing appeared.
  Finally,I want to talk about my opinion with future of guerrilla marketing,I think marketer need pay attention in ethics problem of guerrilla marketing,every advertising is for sell product that without doubt,but before that,I thing marketer need think about consumer more,some guerrilla marketing look like very good and very novelty,but it maybe is a potential danger for consumer,especially for children,if a guerrilla marketing bring bloody accident or psychological shadow to consumer,it can not appear in the world. But at now,we have not low with guerrilla marketing,so follow media ethics guideline is a very important responsibility of guerrilla marketing. I think guerrilla marketing cannot alienation from people,it will be consummate in the future,I believe will have more people trust guerrilla marketing and like guerrilla marketing,it will popular than traditional advertising. I just hope it good for sell product,same time good for consumer or all people who will be affect.
  1. “Guerrilla Marketing Communication Tools and Ethical Problems in Guerilla Advertising” 2010,American Journal of Economics and Business Administration 2(3):P 280-286.
  2. “Media Ethics:Cases and Moral Reasoning,Eighth Edition” 2009,Clifford G. Christians;Mark Fackler;Kathy Brittain McKee;Peggy J. Kreshel;Robert H. Woods,P 123-125.
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【摘要】 本文以珠宝鉴定课程为例,探讨了网络交流平台在教学过程中的应用和所起的积极作用。文章最后表明,网络交流平台在教学中的作用将越来越大。  【关键词】网络交流平台;教学;互动  随着互联网以及移动互联网的发展,网络交流平台也在不断地更新换代,从电子邮箱(email)到论坛(BBS)到腾讯QQ到博客(blog)到微博(microblog)再到微信(wechat),人们的网络沟通工具越来越多样化,
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【摘要】独立学院教育培养面向生产、管理、服务第一线需要的,实践能力强、具有良好职业道德的综合复合型人才,本科毕业设计实现教育培养目标的重要教学环节。商业策划与广告专业毕业设计,根据艺术教育目标课题理论,从项目设计流程构建基于广告项目工作过程的课程模块,并从企业引进真实完整的项目,学生在教师团队的指导下,以小组协作的方式,完成完整的广告策划与设计项目,效果良好。  【关键词】毕业设计;商业策划与广告
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【摘要】本文针对我国高等职业教育的观念和现状提出了一些改革的观点及方法,并由此提出了教学改革在校企合作、教学团队建设、实训基地建设、管理机制创新等方面进行内涵创建与提升的有效对策,包括素质培养、教师培训、校企合作、实习实训方式等。  【关键词】高等职业教育;素质教育;校企合作。  高等职业教育是高等教育的一个类型,既是高等教育的重要组成部分,又是职业教育的重要组成部分,同时又是继续教育的重要载体。
【摘要】随着民办高校的兴起与发展,青年教师正在迅速成为民办高校一支独特又强大的生力军。针对民办高校青年教师队伍的现状及存在的问题,探讨如何加强民办高校青年教师的培养工作,是目前亟待解决的问题。  【关键词】民办高校;青年教师;培养意义;培养模式  民办高校教学质量的高低,不仅关系着自身的生存发展,还将影响着我国高等教育的发展。青年教师是民办高校师资的重要组成部分,青年教师的培养成为民办高校师资力量