农历腊月初八,是我国民间传统的腊八节。这一天,很多的人家都会煮上一锅香喷喷、美滋滋的腊八粥尝鲜。邻居亲友间亦会相互馈赠腊八粥,共享节日之乐。 吃腊八粥的风俗起源在我国传说很多,最多的说法是起源于佛教。相传佛教的创始人释迦牟尼在得道成佛前,曾游历印度名山大川,他为了探究人生的究竟,寻奇人,访长者,刻苦修行。当他来到摩揭陀国,因饥饿难当,酷暑难熬,昏倒在地。是一位牧女用自己的午饭救了他。
The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, is the traditional Chinese Laba Festival. On this day, many people will cook a pot of fragrant, delicious porridge early adopters. Neighbors relatives and friends will also be fed Laba porridge, sharing the joy of the festival. The customs of eating Laba porridge in our country a lot of legends, most of the argument is originated in Buddhism. According to legend, the founder of Buddhism, Sakyamuni, traveled through the famous mountains and rivers in India before he learned Buddhism. In order to explore the essence of his life, he searched for strangers, visited elders and practiced hardworking. When he came to Mount Albania, he was fatigued by hunger and suffering, collapsed to the ground. It was a shepherd who saved him with his lunch.