Study on magnetism of Pr_(0.45)(Ca_(1-x)Sr_x)_(0.55) MnO_3 samples

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The polycrystalline samples of Pr0.45(Ca1-xSrx) 0.55MnO3(x=0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6) were prepared by solidstate reaction.Influence of Sr2+ substi-tution for Ca2+ at A site on magnetism was studied through the measurements of X-ray diffraction(XRD) spectrum,the magnetiza-tion-temperature(M-T) curves and electron spin resonance(ESR) curves.The results show that the magnetism strengthens and charge ordering weakens gradually with the increase of Sr2+ substitution amount,respectively.The transition of paramagnetism(PM)-antiferromag-netism(AFM) occurs below the transition temperature of charge ordering(TCO) ,and there is little ferromagnetic phase in the antiferromag-netic background at the lower temperature,which results in complex magnetic phases of the samples.Ferromagnetic clusters appear and grow larger with the increase of substitution amount.In addition,the reentrant spin-glass behavior appears at about 41 K.The magnetism phenomenon of the samples is mainly due to the competition between double exchange and Jahn-Teller coupling.The Jahn-Teller coupling becomes weak,and the double exchange wins the advantage in the competition with the increase of substitution amount,which leads to the magnetism variation of the system. The polycrystalline samples of Pr0.45 (Ca1-xSrx) 0.55MnO3 (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6) were prepared by solidstate reaction.Influence of Sr2 + substi- tution for Ca2 + at A site on magnetism was studied through the measurements of X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra, the magnetization-temperature (MT) curves and electron spin resonance (ESR) curves. The results show that the magnetism strengthens and charge ordering weakens gradually with the increase of Sr2 + substitution amount, respectively. The transition of paramagnetism (PM) -antiferromag-netism (AFM) occurs below the transition temperature of charge ordering (TCO), and there is little ferromagnetic phase in the antiferromag-netic background at the lower temperature, which results in complex magnetic phases of the samples. Ferromagnetic clusters appear and grow larger with the increase of substitution amount.In addition, the reentrant spin-glass behavior appears at about 41 K. The magnetism of the samples is mainly due to the competition between dou ble exchange and Jahn-Teller coupling becomes weak, and the double exchange wins the advantage in the competition with the increase of substitution amount, which leads to the magnetism variation of the system.
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第二次湖北省科技进步奖评审结果,于7月23日在汉揭晓。评定的210项获奖项目中,林业有8项获奖。其中有3项获二等奖,5项获三等奖。获二等奖的项目为:“湖 The second Hubei P
摘 要:本文通过分析我国的资金流量表(金融交易部分)与宏观经济的内在联系,探究了我国居民金融资产结构的变化与宏观经济之间的关系。通过数据分析,本文选定GDP、失业率、CPI、PPI、社会住宅投资、进出口差额、城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入、居民消费水平八个指标对宏观经济水平进行量化。通过主成分分析法,本文将八个指标合并为居民生活水平、市场景气程度两个因子。我国居民金融资产的结构主要通过通货、储蓄、证券