利用室内外相结合的方法对花胫绿纹蝗[Aiolopus tamulus(Fabr.)]在白洋淀周边的生活史及生活习性进行了观察,重点对其各虫态历期及蝗蝻各龄历期进行观察统计,结果显示,该虫在白洋淀周边地区1年发生2年,以卵越冬,5月中旬孵化,6月下旬始见越冬代成虫,8月上旬始见1代蝗蝻,8月下旬羽化,9月中旬1代成虫交尾产卵,成虫寿命可延至11月上、中旬。越冬卵期200~260 d,第1代卵历期约20 d,雌蝻6个龄期,雄蝻5个龄期。室内饲养蝗蝻历期44.4 d,室外饲养蝗蝻历期48.5 d。提出了防治和综合治理策略。
The living history and living habits of Aiolopus tamulus (Fabr.) In the periphery of Baiyangdian Lake were observed by a combination of indoor and outdoor methods, and the observation period The results showed that the insects occurred in the surrounding area of Baiyangdian Lake for two years in one year. The eggs hatched in the winter and hatched in mid-May. The overwintering adults began to be seen in late June. The first generation of locusts appeared in the first ten days in August, The first generation of mid adult mid-adult spawning, adult longevity can be extended to November, mid. The overwintering egg stage is 200 ~ 260 d, the first generation egg stage is about 20 days, the female 蝻 is 6 years old, and the male 蝻 is 5 years old. The indoor rearing locusts duration 44.4 d, outdoor rearing locusts period 48.5 d. Put forward the prevention and control and comprehensive management strategy.