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  Son: Mom?
  Mom: Yes, son?
  Son: Why have you always loved me and taken care of me?
  Mom: Why? There is no why. I just do. And that’s never gonna change.
  Son: But all I’ve done, over the years, is make your life miserable.
  Mom: That’s not true at all.
  Son: Oh yeah? I was so terrible growing up that you used to cry all the time, because you had no idea how to rein me in.
  Mom: So what?
  Son: So…How could you love someone who hurts you all the time?
  Mom: Because you’re a product of mine and your father’s love. So, as you’re 1)essentially the 2)manifestation of our love, and we ourselves are the 3)embodiment of your grandparents’ love, how could we all NOT love you?
  Son: Easy. I love apples. So let’s say I decide to plant an apple tree. And put in the time and care, and give it all the necessary 4)nutrients, but it only produces rotten fruit. I would not love that tree. In fact, I would resent the tree for wasting so much of my time and making my life more difficult.
  Mom: Alright, my 5)intuitive boy. ①A clever 6)analogy; but I’ll take it a step further. ②What if that tree didn’t want to grow at first, and had lots of problems producing good fruit? If you truly loved that tree, you would be patient with it, nurture it. You’d study different ways to help it grow, consult agricultural experts, worrying day and night that it’s your own fault that your tree won’t do what it’s supposed to.
  Son: So, I ask again, oh wise mother: why do you still love me?
  Mom: Because, fruit or no fruit, you are my greatest accomplishment. ③When I see your face and hear your voice, I know that you are uniquely special, and that long after I am gone, a piece of me will live on in you and your children and their children.
  Son: Were you ever worried that I didn’t love you or dad?
  Mom: The only thing I ever worry about is your happiness.④Everything else is of no consequence.
  Son: What about your own happiness?
  Mom: My happiness, dear boy, is 7)intrinsically tied to yours. Don’t you get it? I am a part of you, and you are a part of me. When you hurt, I hurt. When you smile, I smile. Son: …I love you Mom.   Mom: I love you too son.

  Smart Sentences① A clever analogy; but I’ll take it a step further. 这是很聪明的类比,但是我会把它更深化一步。
  take sth. a step further: take an additional action forward(向前再走一步)。例如:
  Why don’t you take it a step further and have all the reports printed out today?
  ② What if that tree didn’t want to grow at first, and had lots of problems producing good fruit? 如果那棵树一开始就不愿意生长,而且有很多毛病,无法结出好的果实,该怎么办?
  what if: used when asking about the consequences of sth.(如果……会怎么样)。例如:
  What if Mr. Johnson doesn’t approve the plan?
  ③ When I see your face and hear your voice, I know that you are uniquely special, and that long after I am gone, a piece of me will live on in you and your children and their children. 当我看到你的脸,听到你的声音,我知道你是独一无二的,而且我离开人世后的很长时间,我的血脉将继续在你和你的孩子,还有他们的孩子的身体里传承下去。
  long after: very long time after sth. happens(非常久以后)。例如:
  It’s amazing that my dad could still remember my first boyfriend’s name long after our breakup.
  ④ Everything else is of no consequence. 其他一切都不重要。
  of no consequence: sth. or sb. is not important or valuable(无足轻重的事或人)。例如:
  The race of whom you choose to marry is of no consequence, but how much he loves you is.你选择的结婚对象的种族背景并不重要,重要的是他有多爱你。
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