一、办学条件按德才兼备的原则与学校规模,配备校长、教导(教务)主任、大队辅导员。领导成员团结合作,以身作则,勇于进取,胜任工作,能胜任1-2门学科的教学。按编制规定配齐教师,各学科能按规定配备专职或兼职教师;90%以上的教师达到中师或高中毕业以上文化程度,其中大专以上学历达15%左右.胜任小循环教学,其余的取得小学教师专业合格证书或教材教法考试合格证书并基本胜任教学工作;语、数两门学科有骨干教师。学校占地面积和体育运动场地面积达到义务教育办学条件标准;校园内布局合理,生均绿化面积达0. 5平方米以上。
First, the conditions for running schools According to the principle of both ability and morality and school size, equipped with principals, teaching (education) director, brigade counselors. Leading members unite and cooperate to set an example, be bold and enterprising, qualified for work, and capable of teaching 1-2 subjects. According to the preparation requirements, teachers are required to provide teachers with full-time or part-time teachers according to regulations; more than 90% of the teachers have reached the educational level of secondary school or high school graduates, among which college education is 15% or higher. Primary school teachers have professional qualification certificates or textbooks and teaching method examination certificates and are basically qualified for teaching work; both language and number subjects have key teachers. School area and sports venues to meet the conditions of compulsory education standards; campus layout is reasonable, the average green area of 0.5 square meters.