Hotel English Teaching Quality and International Hotel Developing Trend

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  摘要:The rapid development of the world hotel industry has not only created new opportunity to our domestic developing hotel industry, but also brought us more challenges and motivations to our relevant education. So it's necessary for us to strengthen the international profession skills and improve the international teaching level and change old teaching structures.
  关键词:hotel English teaching;international profession abilities;advanced and detailed teaching
  中图分类号:H31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0118(2011)-11-0-01
  As the domestic hotel markets get more international, China has become the hotel group's collection of the world famous land, not only for capital expansion and penetration, but also as changed the quality of Chinese hotel, management ideas and methods to improve cultural awareness and language quality and professional quality of staff. So English plays an important role in the hotel industry.
  2 Hotel English Teaching Professional of the Internal Subdivision
  2. 1 The Market Segments and Product Positioning
  Currently, hotel operation have different classification criteria according to different types, the most common location is at the hotel classification and divided by the price level of luxury and high-grade type, mid-range, economical etc.. Different operating level, they configured the room into a full set of inter-type, extended stay type and apartment type, age and youth hostel type, as well as the meeting type, fitness and health club type, self-oriented, theme-based and other new accommodation facilities according to the structure .
  2.2 The Depth of Teaching is not enough
  If the hotel described in the Teaching of English departments and the specific content is not detailed enough to work, some work will contact with the goods or commodities, no physical or cognitive learning can view pictures. Teaching should be given to different categories and a certain degree of in-depth study. The interesting and relevant content will see sought-after students to learn. The lack of description innovative modern hotel atmosphere, hot information, and related degree are not enough.
  3 The Measure of Promoting the Hotel English Teaching Reform
  3.1 To learn about Values
  It is important to enable students to understand the world famous hotel companies in the various cultures, values, business goals spirit of service, service standards, service features, etc. It puts forward to progress with the times from an objective quality of the staff because of the progress of time, consumer demand for personalized and industry competition are on the requirements. Little JW Marriott said "Culture is the life-thread and glue that links our past, present, and future".
  3.2 How to Follow the World Level
  PMS is now scheduled to an implement computer module. There is a real management tool. Therefore, we must pay attention to EMS (electronic management system )on the hotel, interactive multimedia VOD (video on demand) and TQM(total quality management) and a series of software, understanding of the English name as well as daily operating accessories, learning English expression to keep up with the world hotel management ,
  3.3 Break the Single-instruction
  We should emphasis its value, culture and dynamic after breaking the single-instruction and strengthening foreign language teaching of the diversity of modern hotels.We should realize a virtuous cycle state after studying the depth of professional knowledge. Based on demand-driven, it refers to hotels English education and builds hotels English curriculum model. Based on the overall knowledge, we can broaden the knowledge of the hotel structure and the teaching of English-related areas.
  4 Conclusions
  The rapid development in the new economy of today, international talents in the market economy has become the most valuable scarce resources, and talents outputting is to cultivate outstanding international talents and accomplishments of the most important source of inspiration. Therefore, we have to constantly reform, innovate, and actively follow the latest domestic and international tourism and hotel developments.
  [1]Denney G Rutherford. Hotel Management and Operations[M].梁晓波,王才美,刘亚琴译.长沙:湖南科学技术出版社,2001.
  [2]Grahame T Bilbow,PHD,John Sutton. Longman English Modern Hotel Industry[M].管燕红,译.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004.
  [3]James A Bardi.Modern American Hotel Lobby Management[M].李颜,李纯,译.长沙:湖南科学技术出版
摘要:汉语言中的普通词语虽然很容易对译为外语,但它们所蕴含的中华民族的独特意味却在对译时丧失殆尽。汉语言中的普通词语很多都代表着中国式的文化意蕴。本文主要明确了汉语言元素,即汉字的演变,阐明了词语在汉语言文学中的核心地位,并将明月、流水等具有中国式特色普通词语进行分析、剖析其中的中华意蕴。文章最后论述了研究普通词语的中华意蕴的意义。  关键词:普通词语;中华意蕴;传统文化  中图分类号:H03 文
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摘要:Small words(以下简称SW)即小品词,指的是英语日常交际中经常出现的如well, ok, all right等本身没有实际意义,但有利于交际者交际意图的表达和话语流利的实现的一类词。Hasselgren认为SW虽然不是表达话语内容和意义的基本词汇,但属于说话者的一种流利性策略。关联理论认为人们对话语的理解是一个认知和推理的过程,说听者总是将听到的话语看作是同当时的语境相关联的,并由