《大纲》对本年级的要求 1.培养有重点的观察周围事物的能力。能抓住特点了解事物之间的联系。 2.继续练习写简短的记叙文,学习围绕中心选择和组织材料。叙事能按事情发展顺序安排材料,把主要内容写详细,记人通过一件具体事例,写出人的特点,表现人的品质;写景状物,抓住事物的特点,把静态和动态配合写清楚。 3.文章要求思想健康,内容具体,语句通顺,中心比较明确,条理比较清楚,书写工整,注意不写错别字,会用学过的标点符号。
Requirements of the Syllabus for this year 1. Develop a focused ability to observe the surroundings. Can grasp the characteristics of understanding the connection between things. 2. Continue to practice writing short narratives to learn about selecting and organizing material around the center. Narrative can arrange materials according to the order of development of things, write the main contents in detail, write people through a specific case, write out the characteristics of people, and show the quality of people; write scenery, grasp the characteristics of things, and write static and dynamic writing clear. 3. Article requires healthy thinking, specific content, sentences fluent, the center is more clear, more clearly organized, written neat, pay attention to not write the wrong words, will learn the punctuation.