1 意义教师过分强调练习内容的多样化 ,大搞“题海战术” ,而忽视基础知识、基本理论和基本技能的训练及巩固 ,往往事与愿违 .几年来 ,自己在减轻学生过重课业负担方面进行了种种努力 ,坚持以课本习题为主 ,引导学生重视完成课本习题后的反思与总结 .如解题思路、方法、规律和
1 Significance The teacher overemphasizes the diversification of the exercise content and engages in “sea tactics”, while ignoring the training and consolidation of basic knowledge, basic theories, and basic skills is often counterproductive. Over the past few years, she has been reducing student burdens on overwork. Various efforts have been made to adhere to textbook-based exercises and guide students to value the reflection and summarization after completing textbook exercises. Such as problem-solving ideas, methods and laws