随着酸洗除垢工艺的普及,近年来国内外出现了大量的酸洗缓蚀剂品种,但均有一定的局限性或缺点。如从国外引进的日本依彼特2S、美国的阿莫赫卜28(Armohib—28)、若丁95(Rodine 95)等,价格昂贵,且需大量外汇。国内的产品如天津若丁、乌洛托品、仿苏Пδ—5、02等,有的缓蚀性能差,有的毒性大。从81年初开始,我们在国外样品剖析结果的启示下,通过二年多的实验室研究和现场四十多台锅炉及设备的应用考核,研制出SS—811盐酸酸洗缓蚀剂。
With the popularity of pickling and descaling processes, a large number of pickling inhibitor species have emerged in recent years at home and abroad, but all have limitations or disadvantages. Such as the Japanese introduction of the Japanese according to Pieter 2S, the United States Armohib 28 (Armohib-28), Rhine 95 (Rodine 95), etc., expensive and require a lot of foreign exchange. Domestic products such as Tianjin Jinding, urotropine, imitation Su -δδ, 5,02, etc., some of the poor corrosion performance, and some toxicity. From the beginning of 81, we have developed the SS-811 hydrochloric acid pickling inhibitor with more than two years of laboratory research and application assessment of more than 40 boilers and equipment on site, inspired by the analysis results of foreign samples.