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  Much was made of animation legend Hayao Miyazaki’s decision to retire last year, but a new movie out today from his Studio Ghibli comes from the mind of no less great a talent. The Tale of the Princess Kaguya was directed by 78-year-old Isao Takahata注, a co-founder of the studio, and you won’t see a more gorgeous[极好的] movie in 2014.
  Princess Kaguya is based on a 10th-century Japanese folk story called The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, which tells of a poor couple that discover a mystical[神秘的] girl in a forest and take it upon themselves to raise her as a princess. Takahata takes this narrative[故事] and runs with it, exploring the transient[瞬变现象的] nature of life, the shallowness[肤浅的] we play along the way. But Princess Kaguya’s plot is a simple one at first—most viewers will be more immediately grabbed by the astonishing[惊人的] artistic style.
  Princess Kaguya is like an old Japanese painting come to life. The fluid[流畅的] animation is drawn in minimalist[极简抽象派艺术家] yet memorable[难忘的] watercolors, with charcoal[炭笔] strokes[笔画] that reminded me a little of the Raymond Briggs adaptation[改编] The Snowman. A core[核心] theme of the film—how simple years spent among nature can offer more happiness than city life and social progression[前进]—is one shared by other Ghibli works, but the painterly[画家的] style helps make a more convincing[有说服力] case here. In one amazing scene, the princess Kaguya’s angry fantasies[幻想] of escaping her caged environment are shown in dazzling[眼花缭乱的] motion as the character takes flight.
  Princess Kaguya’s simple plot perhaps doesn’t quite justify[证明……是正当的] its two hours and 17 minutes running time, and viewers unfamiliar with[不熟悉] the original story might be thrown sideways by a cosmic[宇宙的] twist in the third act. The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter is often described as proto[最初的]-science fiction, making Princess Kaguya more than your average Japanese folk tale. And despite some strong scenes, I didn’t find it quite as moving or emotional[感动人的] overall as some of Takahata’s best work, which often has the power to touch your heart. But I never felt that Princess Kaguya dragged[拖沓]—even at its slowest, the film is never less than stunning, and it’s hard not to be swept away by its charms.
  That Takahata’s work is often held up next to Miyazaki’s, despite drastic[极端] differences in style and tone, is an example of the diversity[多样性] of Ghibli’s work and the talent of its two biggest names. The Tale of the Princess Kaguya might be the last chance to see a new Takahata film as it comes out in cinemas; I would say it’s a chance not to be missed.   众所周知,动画泰斗宫崎骏去年决定退休,不过他的吉卜力工作室在今天(2014年10月17日)又推出了一部全新电影,同样出自一位不遑多让的天才之手。电影《辉夜姬物语》由吉卜力的创始人之一、现年78岁的高畑勋执导,你在2014年不会看到比它更漂亮精美的片子了。
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艾丽·范宁的身上总是散发出一种与其他好莱坞女演员不同的气质。和一早成名的姐姐达科塔相比,同样金发碧眼的艾丽少了一分活泼可爱,却多了一分不食人间烟火的仙气。  在两岁零八个月的时候,艾丽就出演了第一部电影——在《我是山姆》中扮演达科塔的婴儿时期。确实,是姐姐给了她接触电影的机会,但如果你以为艾丽从此就生活在姐姐的光环之下,那就错了。  从外形来看,自从她在身高方面超越姐姐后,她就不再是达科塔·范宁的