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送走了2007年,又到了该盘点的时刻。这一年,几乎所有的故事都来自股市:几乎每个人都有了另一张身份证:股东卡;也几乎没有一个人是色盲——他们总分得清上涨的红线和下跌的绿线。最能让他们内心躁动的,当然是“涨停”与“跌停”。股市里的奇迹,有如大海里的潮涨潮落,既可以把大小船只推上浪尖,也可以使其倾覆于瞬息之间。“千秋壮观君知否,黑海西头望大秦”。此番股市风云,牵动了多少人间冷暖。杨国强变成了最大的“地主”和大陆的首富;于丹从2006年一直热到现在,文化股被炒到高潮迭起;而孔子却因为北大教授李零的一句“孔子是个丧家狗”被打倒在地,一度变成了ST股;本来孤身住在远离人寰的广寒宫中的嫦娥,随着探月一期工程的实现,再度成为人们热烈讨论的话题;陈良宇在2006年9月前还在沪上炙手可热,到2007年则彻底跌停,还连带影响了整个上海“社保基金”板块的中小股——他的小兄弟们只能在狱中叹息……来来去去的一年,物价在涨,富人们的座驾在涨,艺术品拍卖市场的“奇货”在涨……一切涨落在心头,记录了2007年最剧烈的变化。 Sent away in 2007, went to the inventory of the moment. Almost everything comes from the stock market this year: Almost everyone has another ID card: a shareholder card; and almost none of them are color blind - they always get the clear red line and the falling green line. The most restlessness of their heart, of course, “daily limit ” and “limit.” Miracles in the stock market, like the ebb and flow of the sea, push the ships of large and small waves up and down the waves. “Achilles and heavens Junzhi whether the West Bank of the Black Sea Qin”. This time the market situation, affecting the number of people warm. Yang Guoqiang became the largest “landlord” and the mainland’s richest man; Yu Dan from 2006 until now, the culture stocks were fired to the climax after another; and Confucius but because of Peking University professor Li zero sentence “Confucius is a funeral dog ”Was beaten to the ground, once became ST shares; had been alone in the earth away from the Changan Palace, with the realization of the lunar exploration project once again become a hot topic of discussion; Chen Liangyu in 2006 9 Months ago also hot in Shanghai, by 2007 it was completely lower limit, but also affect the entire Shanghai “Social Security Fund ” section of small stocks - his little brothers can only sigh in prison ... come and go Year, prices are up, the rich people’s cars are on the rise, the “odd goods” in the art auction market are rising ... All this is in my mind, recording the most dramatic changes in 2007.
有些器官的存在,会使我们人类生活得更好一些.但如果没了这些器官,身体也能够维持正常运转.rn1 一个肺 我们至少要有一个肺才能呼吸,但为了治疗肺癌、肺结核或其他肺部疾病,
如果说凤阳县的农村家庭承包责任制是对中国经济发展和体制改革的一大贡献 ,那末乡镇工业的成长和发展则是江苏省对中国经济发展和体制改革的一大贡献。正是在计划经济体制走
摘 要 产品责任作为一种特殊侵权责任,责任主体承担损害赔偿责任要符合一定的条件,只有产品确有瑕疵,有瑕疵的产品造成了受害人人身或财产损害,缺陷产品和损害事实之间存在因果关系时,才承担责任。尽管我国已经初步形成了产品责任法律规范体系,但损害赔偿法律制度还有待进一步完善。  关键词 产品责任 赔偿 损害  现代社会,商品生产高速发展,产品种类日渐丰富,产品功能日益繁多,产品构造日趋复杂,从而导致产品的