Effects of Cinnamon Acid on Respiratory Rate and Its Related Enzymes Activity in Roots of Seedlings

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunshinexpsister
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This paper studied the effects of cinnamon acid treatments on the respiratory rate and related enzymes activity in the seedling roots of Malus hupehensis Rehd.It would provide information for understanding the mechanisms of inhibition damage caused by continuous cultivation of apple tree.20 mL of solution containing different concentrations of cinnamon acid was added into container with the tested seedlings.After treatment,the samples were taken periodically and the respiratory rates were measured by OXY-LAB oxygen electrodes under 25°C stable temperature and then the activities of related enzymes were measured.The rates of total respiration and other 2 pathways [tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) and pentose phosphate pathway (PPP)] appeared initially an increasing treads and late (on the 3rd d) began to decline.However,they again appeared an increase trend at the end period,on the contrast,the respiratory rate of embden-meyer- hot-parnas (EMP) pathway appeared a stead decline tread but it had a recover on the last day.The respiratory rate of total and 3 pathways were decreased under 125 mg kg-1 (soil).The dynamic trends of the enzymes activities of pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase (PFK),glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) showed similarly.In conclusion,treatments of certain concentration of cinnamon acid would inhibit the respiratory rate and related enzymes activity of roots of M.hupehensis Rehd.And the inhibition degrees were positively related with concentration of cinnamon acid treatments. This paper studied the effects of cinnamon acid treatments on the respiratory rate and related enzymes activity in the seedling roots of Malus hupehensis Rehd. It would provide information for understanding the mechanisms of inhibition damage caused by continuous cultivation of apple tree. 20 mL of solution containing different concentrations of cinnamon acid was added into container with the tested seedlings. After treatment, the samples were taken periodically and the respiratory rates were measured by OXY-LAB oxygen electrodes under 25 ° C stable temperature and then the activities of related enzymes were measured. The rates of total respiration and other 2 pathways [tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) and pentose phosphate pathway (PPP)] 初始 an increase treads and late (on the 3rd d) began to decline. the end period, on the contrast, the respiratory rate of embden-meyer-hot-parnas (EMP) pathway appeared a steady decline tread but The dynamic trends of the enzymes activities of pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase (PFK), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) were selected. In conclusion, treatments of certain concentration of cinnamon acid would inhibit the respiratory rate and related enzymes activity of roots of M. hupehensis Rehd. And the inhibition grades were positively related with concentration of cinnamon acid treatments.
摘 要:音乐教师在音乐教学过程中应当坚持“以审美为核心”,强调综合素质全面提升,特别是美育实施是音乐教育的突出目标任务。敏锐把握音乐素材,是深度渗透音乐美育的“魂”;活泼灵动音乐讲堂,是全面实施音乐美育的“纲”;合作学习音乐主题,是持续推进音乐美育的“目”。  关键词:音乐课堂;审美教育;实施  “以审美为核心”的音乐教育问题是个老生常谈的话题,音乐教学活动是一个感受、参与、创造“美”的过程。小学
母题拓展能让学生更好地掌握与母题相关或相似的一系列复杂问题,使学生举一反三,触类旁通,以一道母题为载体,从源头上能够彻底解决多个或多类疑难问题,让学生高效 、快乐的学
摘 要:随着高中教育新课改的实施不断加深,教学部所颁发的《高中美术教育指导纲要》对于学生审美能力、审美素养以及中国传统文化的渗入都提出了明确的要求,体现了对于中国传统文化着重培养的重要价值意义。因此,对于高中学生的美术教育具有十分现实的紧迫性与必要性。现阶段高中美术教学渗入中国传统文化正处于初期阶段,实际教学中面临着诸多困难与问题,需要有效加以解决。本文通过简单阐述高中  美术教育渗入中国传统文化
众所周知,音乐教育要从学生成长 、发展的早期开始.也就是说,教师在组织教育教学活动的时候要对小学低年级音乐教学给予充分的重视.这里的给予充分的重视不仅是指教师要积极
摘 要:随着我国教育行业的发展,高中音乐教学也在不断地发展中。在多元文化背景的前提下,高中流行音乐慢慢进入到高中音乐教学体系中。对于高中学生而言,流行音乐作品是有魅力并受他们喜爱的。将流行音乐应用于高中音乐教学活动中有利于调动学生的音乐学习积极性,从而促进音乐教学目标的实现!  关键词:多元文化;流行音乐;音乐教学  随着改革开放和全球一体化进程的不断推进,世界各国间文化的交流与传播日益密切,这也
摘 要:近些年来,随着我国课程教育改革的不断深入,教学方式越来越多样化、创新化,也更加注重理论与实际的结合。美术是一门综合性、实践性较强的学科,美术课堂的教学更加注重学生综合能力的培养和塑造。特别是处于身心刚刚发展起步的小学生来说,对于小学生美术课堂中动手能力的培养是提高课堂学习效率,培养学生理论联系实际能力的最好方式。本文对小学美术课堂中动手能力的培养的重要性进行论述而后结合笔者实际教学,提出增