青霉素和头孢菌素是6-APA和7-ACA与酰化试剂反应所得的产物。当酰化剂为光学异构体的混合物时,所得产物也各有二种不同的非对映异构体,可采用反相高压液相层析法分离。本文并对同类物异构体的分离进行了研究。层析条件:层析柱为μBondapak C_(18),30cm×4mm(内径)。流动相为0.1M磷酸盐缓冲液与甲醇不同比例的混合液。进样量10μl,流速1.5ml/分,紫外检出器(254nm),室温操作。
Penicillins and cephalosporins are the products of the reaction of 6-APA and 7-ACA with acylating agents. When the acylating agent is a mixture of optical isomers, the resulting products also each have two different diastereomers and can be separated by reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography. In this paper, the separation of isomers of similar compounds has been studied. Chromatographic conditions: The column was μBondapak C_ (18), 30 cm × 4 mm (inner diameter). The mobile phase consisted of 0.1 M phosphate buffer and methanol in different ratios. Injection volume 10μl, flow rate 1.5ml / min, UV detector (254nm), room temperature operation.