Analysis of Culture Learning Approaches in British and American Films

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  【Abstract】:With the improvement of China's integration with the world economy, English learning and the English speaking population have increased as well. English learning needs an understanding of English culture, by visual and sensory way to understand and confirm British and American culture has become a shortcut of learning English. Combined with his won experience, the author is going to find new study approaches of English culture from the English movies.
  【Key words】: English Movies;British and American Culture; Study approach
  Culture is a historical summary social phenomenon. In learning English, the most important and effective way is understanding and absorbing the characteristics of the British and American culture by all means. As cultural display window, English movies contain not only British and American historical and cultural values, and social ideology, but also integrated into the common community’s language features and lifestyle, which is of great significance for the study of British and American culture.
  1. The Advantages of Culture Learning Approaches in English Films
  Through English movies, we can relate with European and American society that is difficult to contact in normal life, which directly guide the understanding of their culture and the specific benefits in the following.
  1.1Wide range of culture in English films
  English movies have a long history that based on English classics, bestselling novels, arts, actions etc. and introduce the details of British and American culture and social values from different social aspects. Watching movies allows learners to quickly find the different priorities that need to learn, and facilitates the search of cultural material as well as topics of study.
  1.2Motivate learner's interest
  Films are attractive in nature; therefore, the British and American cultures that come from the movies not only enhance learners’ understanding on it but also stimulate learners’ interest. In addition, the usual suspense of films, the lens and angle using and fine acting effectively attract learners. So, English film is a good cultural learning approach.
  1.3Drive the thinking of British and American cultural details
  Narrator and interpretation of English movies help audience know about the details of the movie, as well as, the understanding of way of thinking in British and American culture. In addition to that, some idioms in the film also make learners contact with the real Anglo-American culture. For instance, “All at sea(不知所措)、Drank the fish(牛飲)” that occur many times in Pride and Prejudice. The emergence of these idioms shows British island culture and helps learners to realize and rethink the specific meaning of idioms and cultural connotation of cultural details.   2. Analysis of culture learning approaches in films
  Watching movie is an effective approach of learning British and American culture. We need, however, to develop targeted ways to improve learning efficiency.
  2.1 Define the viewing range according to different topics.
  English films cover the whole cultural system of the west, as an English learner, we could not have a fully understand British and American culture in one day, which requires learners define viewing range according the culture scope that consistent with their study plan and target. For example, If we need to know about British and American classic culture, we can choose " The Count of Monte Cristo ", " The Three Musketeers ", "Sense and Sensibility", "Pride and Prejudice" and so on. If we want to understand American social development and the living environment, we can choose “Forrest Gump”, "The Pursuit of Happiness", etc. By a predetermined range to get to know some characteristics of British and American culture, and gradually deepen understanding of British and American culture.
  2.2 Combining with the subtitles to strengthen comparative study
  The subtitle of English movie is an important medium of culture learning. In reality, some people only focus on Chinese subtitle but ignore the English subtitle. The Suggestions during watching movies are taking notes that record the idiom, proverb and dialogue details in the movie dialogue, which is convenient for later queries and memory. For some good translation in the subtitles, we can analyze them according to original English or context. Use English subtitles to understand the cultural environment to achieve the original intention of watching movies.
  2.3 Strengthen bilingual interactive learning
  There are large amounts of poetry in British and American culture and it is difficult to figure out charm of poetry if you don't have good language in listening, speaking ability, moreover it is impossible have a better understanding of English culture. “If you don’t leave me, we will die together” is a famous line in “Notting Hill,” an American movie, which can be directly translated into“如果你不離開我,我们会死在一起。” The subtitle, however, translate it as “你若不离不弃,我必生死相依。” This is an idiom that reflects the inner meaning. Finding the correct one from two meanings requires having certain understanding of British and American literature. When watching English movies, we should strengthen the interactive learning of language and try to analyze the specific meaning of the statements by the cultural circumstance of the movies. At the same time, we should increase our culture accomplishment by analyzing and understanding the expression style of English culture.
  3. Conclusion
  Language learning needs a long-term accumulation; so does the cultural understanding. In daily life, if we didn't have a chance to personally contact British and American culture, we can learn it via English movies. Since watching English movies is the accumulation of British and American culture, we need to select great films to look for the right ways to understand and analyze British and American culture, eventually, improve our English ability.
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Part 1  初冬的夜总是因气温而显得格外的静谧。背靠着并未开学放的暖气片,唐芃芃将手中的笔放下,轻轻地收起了小书桌,用被子把伸在床边的脚裹得更紧了些。微弱的台灯光打在密密麻麻的数学符号上,借着灯光,唐芃芃费力地抬起沉重的眼皮,机械地用手摸索着掉落在床上某个角落的笔盖。片刻,笔盖与笔之间微小的碰撞声,伴着宿舍里此起彼伏的呼吸声,为唐芃芃一天的学习生活划上了句号。  酣然入眠,未觉梦醒,五点三十分
【摘要】:2O世纪早期中国音乐家从事音乐创作时,尝试着将中国的古典诗词与音乐结合起來。以黄自、赵元任、青主、应尚能、刘雪庵、贺绿汀、冼星海和黎英海等为代表的一批作曲家,选用古典诗词创作了众多艺术歌曲。其中,黄自创作的《点绛唇· 赋登楼》是一首既具有民族风格,又富于浪漫主义气息;既充满宽广的音乐气势,又富有明朗乐观的情愫的歌曲作品 本文以盛唱不衰的艺术歌曲 《点绛唇·赋登楼》为例,通过对该作品的诗词
【摘要】:易卜生的早期剧作《布朗德》,塑造了一个试图通过践行“全有或全无”原则,引导偏僻峡湾中的民众忏悔过往罪孽,将生活与信仰融为一体的牧师布朗德形象。他以强大的意志力和亲人的死亡为全部牺牲致力于重塑灵魂,却最终因敷衍宗教的世俗生活而败。作者借人物极端的挣扎和坚持来反思当时的社会与人性,并以此警醒世人。  关键词:布朗德;全有或全无;真正的人  一、前言  易卜生(Ibsen,1828-1906)
【摘要】:多媒體技术与传统展示设计相结合后,为展示设计注入新的活力和创意。本文以多媒体技术的优劣势作为切入点,分析多媒体技术在展示设计中的运用表现,通过分析得出善于运用多媒体技术优势,但不要一味地依赖技术,要合理的善用多媒体技术来升华传统的展示设计。  【关键词】:展示设计;多媒体;新媒体  随着技术的发展,多媒体技术应运而生,这种以计算机为中心的多媒体其主要特点:第一,多元化。它可以将图文、影音
【摘要】:普契尼是十九世纪末至欧战前真实主义歌剧流派的代表人物之一,是意大利著名的作曲家,也是歌剧发展历史上的一座里程碑。本文通过对普契尼歌剧作品的创作风格研究,对剧中女高音咏叹调的演唱特点的分析,来探索普契尼在歌剧创作中对女性形象的塑造和在歌剧发展史上的深远意义。  【关键词】:普契尼;风格特征;形象塑造;演唱特点  歌剧文化是世界音乐文化中一颗璀璨的明珠。19世纪50年代,法国的“抒情歌剧”在
【摘要】:练声曲是发声练习与艺术歌曲间特殊的音乐体裁。它具有系统性、规范性,是声乐训练中必不可少的练习过程和方式。声乐是一门综合艺术,不论是声乐的演唱还是声乐教学都要遵循因材施教、循序渐进的原则。在声乐教学中,练声曲的选择与声乐演唱者的实践。不论是声乐学习者还是声乐教师都是至关重要的。本文就练声曲在声乐教学中的选择与实践进行针对性的阐述和探讨。  【关键词】:声乐教学;练声曲;训练;作用  简单来
【摘要】:在当前我国的艺术设计教学中,较为注重培养学生创意思维能力。笔者依据自身的教学实践经验,经过深入的分析与研究,在本文当中重点阐述了培养艺术设计教学中创新思维的策略,以期能够提供给教育工作者一些有益的借鉴与参考。  【关键词】:艺术设计教学;创意思维能力;培养  引言  对于艺术设计而言,创意是触及内心的灵感源泉。通过创意可将唯美的艺术赋予到现实生活当中,由此彰显出人的创新思维与想象力。倘若
【摘要】:我国是汇集了各类优秀艺术文化作品的大花园,但我国幅员辽阔,南北方音乐差异明显,因地理、文化、语言、民俗等因素的不同,自然而然地形成了各具地域风格的乐曲。而二胡作为使用较广泛的中国传统乐器,也因南北方的地域差异形成了多样的曲风。本文欲选取两个不同风格的典型二胡曲目进行对比,来探讨南北方二胡曲风之差异。  【关键词】:南北方;地域;《一枝花》;《江南春色》  二胡是北方少数民族传播开来的一种