前一段北京很热闹,由于有了个“科博会”(原来叫“国际周”),各个论坛上大师级的人物可来了不少,《科技智囊》也不甘示弱,承担了北京经济技术开发区分会场的两场论坛,并从“艺术之都”巴黎请来了欧洲最负盛名的品牌设计代理公司Imagine five的创始人——Jean Marc PIATON先生,然而该老兄并不像美国人那样会“营销自己”、“推广业务”,而是用了1个多小时大谈品牌与文化、设计、沟通之间的关系。
The previous period in Beijing was very lively. Thanks to the “Cobo Conference” (formerly known as the “International Week”), there were quite a few masterpieces from various forums. The “science and technology think tank” was also outdone and took on Beijing's economic and technological Developed two forums to differentiate the venue and invited Jean Marc PIATON, the founder of Imagine five, one of Europe's most prestigious brand-name design houses, from Paris, the “capital of art,” but unlike the Americans Instead of “marketing yourself,” “promoting your business,” it takes more than an hour to talk about the relationship between a brand and culture, design, and communication.