目的了解无锡市医疗机构污水消毒处理设施的运行现状,为医疗机构及新建项目选择合理的污水处理方案提供建议和依据。方法采用现场调查及查阅资料的方法,对无锡市16家医疗机构污水处理情况进行调查与分析。结果 16家医疗机构污水均采用集中式污水处理,配备有污水处理装置;使用一级和二级污水处理系统的分别为9家和7家,15家已采用设备自动投药的方式;3家使用次氯酸钠粉剂,2家使用二氧化氯发生器,其余11家均使用10%次氯酸钠消毒液进行消毒。2013-2015年医疗污水监测合格率依次为100%、99.5%和100%。结论无锡市医疗机构污水消毒处理及管理情况基本良好,符合国家排放要求,粪大肠菌群和致病菌检测合格率较高,但仍存在污泥处理未予重视、污水处理环境不佳、污水处理人员安排及培训等问题,仍需加强监督监测力度,提高消毒设施运转率。
Objective To understand the operation of sewage treatment facilities in medical institutions in Wuxi City and to provide suggestions and basis for selecting proper sewage treatment schemes for medical institutions and new projects. Methods The methods of on-the-spot investigation and access to information were used to investigate and analyze the wastewater treatment of 16 medical institutions in Wuxi. Results The effluent of 16 medical institutions were all treated by centralized sewage treatment and equipped with sewage treatment facilities. There were 9 and 7 sewage treatment systems using primary and secondary sewage treatment systems respectively, 15 of which had been used for automatic drug administration and 3 were used Sodium hypochlorite powder, two chlorine dioxide generator, the remaining 11 were disinfected with 10% sodium hypochlorite disinfection. The qualified rate of medical wastewater monitoring in 2013-2015 was 100%, 99.5% and 100% respectively. Conclusion The treatment and management of wastewater in medical institutions in Wuxi are basically good and meet the national emission requirements. The detection rate of fecal coliform bacteria and pathogenic bacteria is high, but there is still no attention to sludge treatment, poor sewage treatment environment, Handling personnel arrangements and training and other issues, still need to strengthen supervision and monitoring efforts to improve the operation rate of disinfection facilities.