扬德育之旗 走科研兴校之路——广东省一级学校、深圳市布心小学发展纪实

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深圳市布心小学创建于1988年2月,位于安居工程布心花园内。学校占地面积11900平方米,建筑面积9250平方米,现有教学班35个,学生1980人,教职工110人,是深圳市“园林式、花园式”学校,2002年被评为广东省一级学校。 以人为本 实施“名师工程” 科教兴国,教育为本,振兴教育,师资先行。该校注重领导班子的勤政、廉政建设,对中层以上干部进行了明确的职责、权限分工,实行目标管理,各行其责。该校全面实施以培训全体教师为目标。骨干教师为重点的名师工程12字方针:调整、送培、自培、帮带、竞赛、练功,构建起名师、骨干教师、教学新秀三结合的教师队伍。突出以人为本,重视情感管理,努力为教师解决交通、住房、医疗、进修等方面的实际困难,在改善教师福利待遇的同时,要求每个教师必须在工作中日有长进,首先从领导做起,追求德高为范,学高为师的职业境界,规范做人,踏实从教,敬业爱生。 突出德育教育 提高教改水平 改革课堂教学,促进学生自主发展。课堂教学是学校实施素质教育的主渠道。 Shenzhen cloth heart primary school was founded in February 1988, is located in home security cloth heart Garden. The school covers an area of ​​11,900 square meters, construction area of ​​9,250 square meters, the existing teaching 35 classes, 1980 students, 110 faculty members, is the “garden-style garden” school in Shenzhen in 2002 was named a Grade school. People-oriented implementation of the “teacher project” science and education, education, revitalization of education, teachers precedent. The school attaches great importance to the leadership of the diligent government, the building of an honest government, above the middle and above cadres conducted a clear responsibility, the division of authority, the implementation of the target management, its own responsibility. The school is fully implemented with the goal of training all teachers. Key teachers focus on the teacher project 12 words guideline: adjust, send training, training, to help with, competitions, practice, build teacher, backbone teachers, teaching rookie three combination of teachers. We should give priority to people-oriented, attach importance to emotional management and strive to solve the practical difficulties of teachers in transportation, housing, medical treatment and further education. While improving teachers’ welfare treatment, we must ask every teacher to make progress in their work, including starting with leadership, Pursuit of Germany as the fan, learn as a professional career realm, standardized life, practical teaching, dedicated love. Highlighting Moral Education, Improving Teaching Reform, Reforming Class Teaching and Promoting Students’ Independent Development. Classroom teaching is the main channel for implementing quality education in schools.
沉寂了一个夏天的校园,在这个9月热闹起来。  来不及回味“人生初考”的滋味,刚刚跨入高中门槛的2014级新生们就被高招改革的风潮推着向前张望。升学之路的彼端,不再是熟悉的“3 1”式高考;这一头,“走班制”、“分层教学”、“职业规划”原先这些并不为中国校园所熟悉的名词,开始唱起主角。  根据新的招生改革方案,学生必须从政治、历史、地理、物理、化学、生物6门科目中选择3门计入总分,多达20种排列组合
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