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  Based Architecture,简称IBA)的马克·
  “小蛮腰”,但广州塔必将为我国乃至世界建筑史上添上漂亮的一笔。现在就来听听这“小蛮腰”是如何炼成的吧!PS 本节目录制时间为2009年,当时该塔尚未有官方名字,因此本文仍旧采用节目录制时所使用的名字,敬请注意。
  When a nation wants to tell the world it’s on top, it builds 1)monumental, magnificent, and 2)masculine.
  But in China a new 3)silhouette is rising over
  Guangzhou city – the Guangzhou TV Tower. It’s
  nicknamed “the Supermodel.”
  Mark Hemel (IBA): Looks more 4)feminine. It reminds me a little bit of a dress of a woman.
  The tallest TV Tower on earth with a super-slim
  waist. Some called it a blueprint for disaster, but
  others have the courage to 5)see it through.
  Barbara Kuit (IBA): It was like now or never, so we just had to go for it.
  Birth of a Supermodel
  The Guangzhou TV tower, when it’s finished, it will be the world’s tallest TV tower and one of the
  tallest buildings in China.
  But it isn’t the extraordinary height that keeps the construction team awake at night: Its design is like no other.
  It has a 6)concrete core that rises to 450 meters. The core is enclosed by a giant steel 7)lattice formed by 24 steel columns and 46 rings. The tower twists midway to form a waist, then widens in an 8)oval at the top. The 9)crowning glory is the TV tower’s
  10)spectacular 11)antenna, rising another 156 meters taking the tower to 610 meters注1, the tallest of its kind on earth.
  Its shape is so unique it isn’t covered by any
  12)conventional building code. They’re boldly going where no builders have ever gone before. But that didn’t stop architect Mark Hemel, project manager
  Vincent Lam, and engineer Jackie Yau from taking up this crazy challenge just four years ago.
  Hemel: We’re doing a project that…that is of a scale, of a size, and of a complexity that nobody else has done before.
  Everyone agrees the tower’s
  thin waist 13)clinched the
  competition. Now they must decide just how thin they can go without
  14)blowing the budget.
  Hemel: The thinner you make the waist, the weaker the building
  Every meter they narrow the design will add two to four thousand tons of steel
  15)reinforcing. They have to 16)pin down the basic stats注2,
  the Supermodel’s 17)dimensions. They generate a
  computerized model that lets them build virtual towers. They experiment with the number of rings, the number of columns, and the size of the waist. They discover that reducing the number of columns from 36 to 24 gives the Supermodel the perfect dimensions.
  But the next problem is even more complex and costly. The tower is held together by joint connections or 18)nodes. They take a whole lot of steel. And in Mark’s design, every one of them is different. Their solution:
  standardize the shape of the joint connection. Though each node is still one of a kind, they’ll be easier to mass produce. To 19)top it all off, the client adds a challenge: a 20)revolving restaurant.
  Hemel: We have an 21)elliptical concept basically, elliptical
  building, so it is impossible to make that 22)rotate.
  Their solution: design a 23)circular restaurant that
  rotates around the concrete core. Then they must work out how to fit this circular element within the elliptical
  outer structure. Finally both the architects and
  engineers agree they have a tower that can be built.
  A Waist Sways No Way
  Memories of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake are still 24)raw. Although Guangzhou is not in an earthquake hotspot, experts predict it might
  suffer a level-6 quake in the next two decades.
  To stabilize the weak points and reduce
  25)swaying, the scientists recommend a big
  addition: 26)dampers.
  Tuned mass dampers, or TMDs, feature in many ultra-tall buildings. They’re often giant
  concrete blocks or steel 27)pendulums that move in the opposite direction to minimize the
  whiplash注3 caused by winds or quakes. TMDs are costly and take up lots of room. But engineers
  have come up with a unique solution that saves money and space: two giant water tanks – 600 tons each – that double as 28)reserve tanks in case of fire. Housed above the restaurant on floors 84 and 85, the tanks sit on rollers, so if the tower starts to sway one way, they’ll move the other. Above, in the antenna are two smaller
  mass dampers, each with a two-ton steel
  29)counterweight that also 30)counteracts
  whiplash by swinging in the opposite direction.
  Together the dampers will reduce 31)vibrations from wind or earthquake by up to 50%. These dampers are linked to a computerized building-health monitoring system, a new model for
  high-rise construction worldwide.
  As construction proceeds, more than 600 sensors, testing everything from vibration to
   temperature, are 32)embedded in the steel
  columns and the concrete core. The sensors make this the most 33)scrutinized high-rise in the world. They’ll not only safeguard this tower but 34)furnish valuable data for building the
  super-towers of tomorrow.
  A Safer Place with a Better View
  When the tower opens in 2010, two double-decker, high-speed lifts will 35)whisk visitors straight to the top in just over a minute. A second set of double-deckers will provide a more 36)leisurely journey. They’ll give visitors a strong sense of the building’s height and unique structure.
  But the lifts are far more than simply passenger transportation.
  Yau: After the 9-11, people were concerned in case of accidents or fire, how (we are) going to 37)evacuate people from such (a) different height(s) levels back to the ground level?
  Research post-9-11 suggests using both the lifts and the stairs in an emergency can almost halve the time needed to evacuate a superstructure. In the Guangzhou TV Tower visitors can use the fire-protected stairways to escape the building.
  Yau: We decided to go for two hours so that people have two hours being protected before the structure…or the fire reach(es) them in the staircases.
  But those fortunate enough to access the lifts have a faster escape route. Computer simulations show the
  high-speed, double-decker lifts can 38)ferry 840 people from the top of the tower to the ground in just one hour.
  When the Guangzhou TV Tower is finally complete, it will not only be the world’s tallest TV tower, it will boast the world’s highest 39)Ferris wheel. And when the Asian Games open in 2010, the Supermodel will be the icon that puts Guangzhou city 40)centre stage.
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