本文通过对石河子市2697名 7岁以下汉族儿童采用随机整群机械抽样的方法,对其体格生长发育常见的低体重、消瘦、发育迟缓、营养不良及肥胖进行调查(以1985年全国十省城市儿童体格发育的体重、身高值为参数).结果显示:本市儿童常见体格生长偏离总发生率为7.30%,其中营养不良为3.30%(低体重、消瘦、发育迟缓发生率分别为0.93%、1.26%和1.08%),肥胖为4.04%,以上几种偏离在男女性别间均无显著性差异.与国内资料比较,表明石河子市儿童体格生长发育与营养状况良好.在低体重中,3岁组为0,0岁组最高为1.78%;消瘦以5岁组最高为2.38%,其次是1岁、0岁及6岁组;发育迟缓1岁组最高为2.06%,0岁及3岁组最低为0.59%和0.50%.从整体情况看,本市3岁组儿童体格生长发育呈现最佳状态,
In this paper, 2697 Han children under the age of 7 in Shihezi City were randomly sampled by mechanical sampling method to investigate their low body weight, weight loss, emaciation, retardation, malnutrition and obesity which are common in physical growth and development The body weight and height value of children’s physical development were the parameters.The results showed that the general incidence of physical growth deviated from the city was 7.30%, malnutrition was 3.30% (low body weight, weight loss and developmental delay were 0.93% 1.26% and 1.08%, respectively), obesity was 4.04%, there was no significant difference in the above types of deviations between men and women.Compared with the domestic data, the physical growth and nutritional status of children in Shihezi City was good. The highest in group 0 and 0 was 1.78%, the highest in group 5 was 2.38%, followed by 1, 0 and 6 years old, the highest one was 2.06% and 0 and 3 years old A minimum of 0.59% and 0.50% from the overall situation, the city of 3-year-old children’s physical growth and development showed the best condition,