Probing into Metaphor of Drawing

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  【Abstract】: Metaphor is a cognitive way of human thought and is the most important method to understand the abstract concepts. Culture is the source of metaphorical concept formation. Drawing as a visual art is embodied with emotional feeling of artists, so it is enriched with valuable metaphoric art. Through the study of metaphor in painting can understand the language environment better to form the metaphorical concept system.
  【Key words】: metaphor; painting; color; artistic value
  Metaphor as a special kind of cognitive phenomenon caused many scholars concern and interest in academia, the current research and application about metaphor has embodied in all fields. Painting as a kind of the metaphor in the visualization of description, with the nature of metaphor. As a whole, metaphor in drawing is mainly expressed by line, color, composition and so on. Line is on the basis of its activeness and uncertainty to achieve its metaphoric value; color often indicates the metaphoric thought such as times, classes, regions and ages; composition is the way for artist to perform the world’s meaning. Therefore, it is one of metaphoric morphologies of drawings. In my work also involves the metaphor of painting, as well as the negative cognitive thinking.
  Metaphor shows us another new drawing of the possibilities and directions, affirms the painting again great expression. The connotation of the metaphor directs the implicit meaning out of the picture, makes the reader can use intuition to sense deep in the heart of the illusion of uncontrollable source. Think more, Found the problem from your own creation and then solve the problem. When most creation opposed to be petty, but wanted to achieve the pursuit of the atmosphere; Against the inherent habits, inherent thoughts, inherent mode of thinking, to achieve the pursuit of adventure; Against business fashion, achieve the pursuit of personality, experimental, and to learn a lot from great art style.
  2.The Influence of Metaphor on My Painting Creation
  Metaphor, as a kind of art created an indispensable element in, in fact play is “thinking” guiding effect. Art needs metaphor,it will be upright with no metaphorical thinking. As the artistic thinking metaphor has strong sensuality and stable integrity and rich symbolic, these features are let metaphor thinking become the artistic thinking necessary the decisive emotional resonance completely; The integrity of the metaphor is because art was a whole; Metaphor is the symbolic art of endless pursuit to high; Metaphor is the implied aesthetic effects of pursuit of artistic creation, to suggest that not openly, and let the observers have enough space your imagination and legend, art is not to stop the artist, but constantly in the heart of the observers expresses the respects new connotation.   The metaphor thinking in different art shows their role through the different art language, at the same time, different art also uses of metaphorfrom various angles, reveals his metaphor value. In literature and arts from mainly from the scene and narrative, dialogue and description to reflect the metaphor thinking, in music art is mainly from the rhythms and melodies to reflect the metaphor thinking; In building art through the layout to reflect; In painting arts through the line and color; In the film and TV art through the lens, sound, and to reflect the montage.
  Metaphor thinking is the heart of the abstract artist emotion of visualization is a way of thinking, it shows the representation is out the embodiment of the emotion, this let us in understanding emotions itself the abstract things into difficulties.
  Fantasy reality is I have been pursuing, I put the scene layout in strange ways together, as far as possible with the complexity of the relationship, when the frame have very strange thing, The viewer would have a strange feeling, let the viewer to break the visual relationship, can let a person produce interest.
  Matte color let a person have a depressive feeling, so I chose oil painting stick as my carrier. Neutral color can let a person have a sense of picture I choose is purple, black, red, green, blue, red bean color crayons material, etc. That would give me the picture of tightness in the breath. "Pen mark will have emotional feeling." Stick helps me well realize the emotional expression of the block. A feeling of tightness in the oil feeling is just what I need in the picture.
  In the process of project as a whole, I understand the need of inspiration comes from life, and sometimes from dream, from the data in a computer, from the literature, but these are not absolute. Art comes from life, than life. It is my always pursue what I need to. At the same time, I also have many artists’ideas of life, I have benefited a lot from a large number of literature reading. I try to understand a lot of works by artists and their thoughts, I need to become them, and read them.
  To sum up, in the theory and practice in the classroom, I also need to constantly improve, to show the grasp of the language application still need to exercise to strengthen control and practice. In more at ordinary times to observe details of life, with eyes to find beauty, these creations are interest in the future. Close to the
  life art theory, combined with the actual creation will always accompany me on the road of my creation.
  In artistic creation, metaphor really in order to thinking of the form, and played an extremely important role. Metaphor for artistic creation is extremely important, indispensable.
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【摘要】:二十世纪的中国处在最为复杂以及国家变革的关键时期,这一时期的美术也显示出其独有的特色。而二十世纪的西方各国美术也因其各自的社会变化产生了不同的美术流派,这一时期的初期、中期以及后期均有十分明显的特征。本文主要通过分析二十世纪西方国家美术发展特色,以及分析我国美术发展现状,再结合东西方具有代表性的画家及作品,具体分析东西方美术的异共。  【关键词】:二十世纪;东西方美术;异同比较  引言 
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