The Himalayan Marmota plague origin in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has little history record of plague epidemics. According to the Xiahe County, Gansu Province, Labrador Monastery Tibetan Zha Xi Jia Mu measures recorded from the Canon, drought in 1754, now Qinghai Province, Henan Province, Mongolian Autonomous County had plague epidemic. In 1954, the plague bacteria were isolated from the Himalayan marmot in Guiding County, Qinghai Province. The first epidemic pathogen was confirmed by bacteriological method. Subsequently, Xiahe County in Gansu (1959), Zhongba County in Tibet (1966) and Hotan County in Xinjiang (1973) discovered the natural foci of plague of Marmota marmota. For more than 40 years, in the four provinces (autonomous regions) of Qinghai, Gansu, Tibet and Xinjiang and the medical workers in relevant provinces (districts)