The Main Factors of Affecting Blended Learning in English Course

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jacob888888
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  【Abstract】Blended learning is widely used in English course. This paper analyzes the main factors which affect blended learning to play positive or negative role in English course.
  【Key words】main factors; blended learning; English course
  Blended learning means that all the necessary learning materials will be available online. In English course, there are still some main factors affecting blended learning to work effectively.
  1. The Difference of Individual Learners
  The difference of individual learners are of great relevance to blended learning and have positive and negative influence for blended learning proceeds in English teaching. On the positive side, as we know that individual learner can make great progress and do things well in his or her own way and own time out side of the face to face classroom. However, individual learners are different and diverse. So, that may lead to the negative side. Even they are in the same classroom, the different genders, different learning styles and strategic abilities, different emotional factors and a sense of personal identity may present obstacles to the teacher of the out of class elements of a blended learning in English teaching program. These factors of individual learners in that computer-medicated activity by an individual learning without a teacher cannot be supervised and responded to.
  2. The leaner’s Social and Cultural Background
  English learning as a humanistic discipline, that the learner and the processes of acquisition should not be detached from the social and cultural background. The importance of the learner’s sense of social and cultural identity and the role of classroom in developing that sense are not to be underestimated. It is interesting to discover that whether individual learners feel comfortable with particular group-identities or prefer to distance themselves from them, a question relevant to classroom communities, online communities. Motivation may be affected by sense of self as well. Thus, teaching activities cannot be seen as attending in a mental space divorced from the social and cultural background of the learner, from the situations in which English teaching is mediated within and without classrooms, from scaffolding provided by teachers and the peers and from the sense of self and the aspirations in which English is mediated within and without class. These values need to be remained in English teaching and probably best nurtured in the face to face class or at least in the context of online social networking among English teachers and learners, rather than to leave the student in isolated situation working alone on a language task that merely gives machine-driven feedback.   3. Teachers’ Acceptance of New Technologies
  Blended Learning requires English teachers to be flexible enough to meet students’ different needs for English learning; it requires teachers to fully control students’ learning process and state, thus giving them suitable learning materials and it requires teachers to give students
【摘要】英汉语言差异体现在众多方面,本文从英汉句法特点入手,主要通过“形合”与“意合”“静态”与“动态”“被动”与“主动”“物称”与“人称”以及“替代”与“重复”五个方面对英汉句法特点进行对比。同时以一些典型表达方式为实例,力求探寻出行之有效的翻译策略以应用于英汉互译中。  【关键词】句法特点;差异;翻译策略  【作者简介】张慧(1969.08-),黑龙江哈尔滨人,哈尔滨工程大学外语系,硕士,研究
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