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  Abstract:International business negotiation is the basis of the exchange of multinational enterprises. The correct use of international business negotiation can effectively protect the interests of the country and its own enterprises. This paper mainly explores the strategies of international business negotiation, so as to let us develop better.
  Key words:international business negotiation;  business negotiation
  In the modern era of increasingly close international ties, international business ties are increasingly inseparable. Both politically and economically, China's foreign business negotiations are particularly important. This is not only a simple money transaction between the two countries, but also a wonderful international negotiation that reflects the temperament and quality of a negotiator, the management and operation of a company, and the economic, cultural and social status of a country.
  As far as China is concerned, in the current international negotiations, one side of the stakeholders is usually a foreign government, enterprise or citizen; the other side is a Chinese government, enterprise or citizen. International business negotiation is an indispensable part of foreign economic and trade work. In the modern international society, many transactions often need to go through difficult and tedious negotiations. Although many people think that the success or failure of the negotiation depends on whether the commodities provided by the exchange are of high quality, whether the technology is advanced or whether the price is low, in fact, the success or failure of the transaction often depends on the success of the negotiation to a certain extent. In international business activities, different stakeholders need to negotiate on issues of common concern or interest, coordinate and adjust their respective economic or political interests, and seek compromise on a certain point, so as to make both sides feel beneficial and reach an agreement. Therefore, we can say that international business negotiation is a very important economic activity in foreign economic and trade activities. It is an indispensable means to adjust and solve the inevitable conflicts of economic interests between governments and commercial institutions in different countries and regions.
  I think international business negotiation is divided into five stages:
  The first stage: preparation. At this stage, the Chinese side must agree on the best requirements of its own company, and also consider all the factors that will affect the negotiation, such as the differences, attitudes, trends, events or circumstances between the two sides. Although there will be a lot of uncertainty in the process of negotiation, the more appropriate your simulation is, the higher your negotiation success rate will be. According to the prior work, simulate a contract in advance as the basis of negotiation.   The second stage: the opening stage. At this stage, first of all, as a country of etiquette, China should treat people with courtesy, and the choice of tea, snacks and negotiation sites should respect the religion, beliefs and habits of foreign friends; second, the clothing should be elegant, not too casual, so that foreign negotiators can see the mental outlook of the Chinese people and believe that cooperation with us will have better development; third, our manners It is necessary to be natural, confident and frank to give negotiators a relaxed atmosphere. At the beginning of the game, we must really observe the other side and then talk. We must not be rash, we must be calm. Negotiation, on the other hand, compares the psychological quality of both sides. If both sides can negotiate calmly, the success rate will be very high. On the contrary, if either side loses calm, the company negotiating with it will have to consider the quality and level of the company. Another point is that if the psychological quality of both sides is very good, then it is necessary to carry out psychological oppression on the other side, so that the other side can be convinced. Of course, this kind of oppression is healthy, positive, personality charm oppression.
  The third stage: consultation. After the conclusion of the non-material talks, the two sides of the negotiation should turn the topic to the subject of the transaction, that is, to start the offer. Quotation and negotiation are the core of the whole negotiation process. The quotation here not only refers to the asking price of the product in terms of price, but also refers to all the requirements put forward by one party to the other party, including the quantity, quality, packaging, price, shipment, insurance, payment, commodity inspection, claim, arbitration and other trading conditions of the commodity, in which the price condition is the center of the negotiation. There are many kinds of foreign trade business, but in general, the negotiations are all around the price.
  The first point of quotation is to grasp the current international situation and commercial market, not blind quotation. Moreover, when quoting, we should not only consider our own interests, but also consider whether the offer can be accepted by the other party. We must find the best combination point with the success rate of the accepted party through repeated comparison and weighing the benefits. Try to find out the profit brought by the price. It's better to set a "minimum acceptable level" for yourself before quoting. The lowest acceptable level refers to the worst but reluctantly acceptable final negotiation result. It is rare for one party to accept an offer immediately after the other party's offer. Usually, the price is to be returned. Quotation strategy for the seller is to quote the highest price, the other side usually quote the lowest price. It is an undisclosed secret that there is a false head in the quotation, so it is necessary to determine a reasonable false head in the quotation.   After we have a clear understanding of all the contents of the other party's offer, we should judge the intention of the other party through the contents of its offer. On this basis, we can analyze how to make the transaction beneficial to us and meet some requirements of the other party. Compare the intentions and requirements of both sides one by one, find out the differences between the two sides, and judge what is the focus of the other party's negotiation, so as to maximize their own interests on the premise of win-win situation.
  Appropriate concession in the negotiation is conducive to the continuation of the negotiation, but do not blindly compromise. Every concession in the negotiation is a process of exploring the price range that the other party may accept. Therefore, when we make concessions on the premise of ensuring our own interests, we should still show that we can't do it. I will lose money like this. Well, in our friendship, I will lose some money. Only in this way can we succeed more easily.
  The fourth stage: transaction stage. The main objectives of the first stage are as follows: to reach an agreement as soon as possible after the two sides reach a consensus, to ensure that the interests that have been achieved will not be lost, and to strive for the final interests.
  The fifth stage: the signing stage. We must be optimistic about the correctness of the conditions originally negotiated and whether there are legal loopholes in the contract. The results of negotiation should be confirmed and guaranteed by strict agreement, which is the record and confirmation of the results of negotiation in the form of law. They should be completely consistent without any error. When signing the agreement, the contents of the agreement shall be compared with the negotiation results one by one, and the agreement can only be signed after confirmation.
  This is what I think of as an international business negotiation strategy.
摘要:哺乳母猪泌乳量的多少,乳质的好坏,直接关系到仔猪的生长发育,对仔猪的育成率和断奶窝重影响很大。因此,饲养哺乳母猪的主要任务是:提高其泌乳力,保证仔猪正常发育,为培育和育肥打好基础,同时使母猪保持繁殖体况,达到断奶后及时发情配种。为此,必须根据哺乳母猪的特点,认真做好其饲养管理工作。  关键词:泌乳;营养需要;合理供给  一、母猪的泌乳、体重等特点  1、泌乳量大 母猪的乳腺构造特殊,与其他家
摘要:通过行之有效的预算绩效管理手段,能够促进行政事业单位的内部控制水平以及自身经济效益得到进一步提高,对于行政事业单位的改革发展也有着重要意义。但是我国一些行政事业单位对于预算绩效管理工作的重视力度不足,预算绩效管理体系缺乏合理性,也就需要行政事业单位能够加强对自身预算绩效管理工作的重视力度,不断提升自身的内部控制水平,从而为行政事业单位的持续稳定发展奠定良好的基础。  关键词:内部控制;行政事
摘要:阅读是一个人获取信息和知识的重要途径,是智力开发、知识获取、塑造个人品格的重要条件。儿童阅读是全民阅读的基础和重点,全民阅读是党中央为提高我国文化软实力的战略部署,儿童阅读小到儿童本身、父母、学校,大到国家,受到了前所未有的关注。 儿童社区阅读服务站从儿童、家庭、社会、政策和科学几个角度,验证了儿童社区阅读服务站存在的必要性和发展价值,助推儿童阅读能力提升,社会全民阅读进步。  關键词:儿童
摘要:接受美学作为一个以受众为中心的理论体系,强调文本与读者相互作用的结果。文章从接受美学视角对电影《唐人街探案3》及其 IP 系列进行文本分析 ,以接受美学理论所包含的期待视野、召唤结构和潜在读者三个概念为理论基础展开论述,认为其以故事世界的扩张激发受众期待视野,以跨类型的创作模式来召唤受众想象力,以潜在受众来拓宽受众范围,从而实现了票房上的大突破,《唐人街探案》系列电影票房的成功也为国内原创I
摘要:我国目前在建筑工程发展的主要方向之一就是绿色环保,为此绿色节能技术被广泛的应用到房屋建筑施工中。为此在实际施工时,就可按照工程的实际情况,更加灵活地利用绿色节能的技术,让建筑工程的节能效果更高,使我国的绿色建筑体系更加完整。基于此,主要讨论了绿色节能技术在房屋建筑工程中的使用策略。  关键词:绿色节能施工;房屋建筑工程;应用  引言  建筑业是当前国民经济中最重要的产业之一,随着当前中国经济
摘要:中国拥有广阔的水域面积和丰富的渔业资源,渔业捕捞和水产养殖自古以来就是重要的生产活动之一[1],目前耕地和牧场为人类提供主要粮食来源,少数粮食来源于水域,因此海洋成为世界经济可持续发展首要支撑,世界各国政府开始逐步聚焦于如何开发海洋和内陆水域及如何保证海产品质量安全问题。我们不难发现对人类生存的影响不仅仅是粮食短缺,还有食品安全问题,随着时代的发展变迁,海产品质量安全问题尤为突出。  关键词
摘要:新时代下国有企业党建工作要与时代发现紧密相连,要不断革新国有企业党建工作的形式,提升信息化管理在党建工作中的运用。本文通过对国有企业党建信息化管理中存在的问题及其信息化管理工作中新需求的分析,阐述了国有企业党建信息化管理的设计及实践斌提出了优化策略。  关键词:国有企业 党建信息化设计 策略  一、国有企业党建信息化管理中存在的问题  “互联网+”的时代下国有企业的党建工作要不断适应时代发展
摘要:安然事件后,FASB提出了可变利益实体的概念、确认与合并计量。随后几年里我国的很多企业利用VIE成功在海外上市,但是近几年有一部分已完成海外上市的公司因为VIE模式存在的风险等种种原因希望拆除VIE结构重回我国资本市场。本文主要讨论我国企业如何利用VIE模式进行海外上市并分析VIE模式上市存在的风险,最后对其应对措施提出建议。  关键词:可变利益实体;特殊目的实体;拆除VIE结构;协议控制 
摘要:随着信息数字化建设的不断完善和发展,传统的档案管理已经逐渐被现代化的档案管理方式慢慢替代,企业的一些基础性的档案建设也正在朝着数字化的方向转型,各企业也在不断建设和完善各自的数据库,供其更好地進行档案管理。企业档案数字化建设的到来使得档案由之前的封闭式管理转变成更加开放,从而实现企业档案信息资源合理配置并进行科学管理,真正使资料达到实时共享。  关键词:档案管理;数字化建设  企业的档案管理
摘要:新冠肺炎使全球陷入了艰难的处境,影响了生活的方方面面,同时也给各国经济带来了致命打击。许多公司被迫停工减产,部分公司甚至破产。新冠疫情给全球供应链正常运行带来冲击,疫情时代供应链该何去何从?本文将对新冠肺炎时期应链的状况进行分析,揭示新冠肺炎时期供应链的基本问题和最薄弱的环节。最后就解决上述问题和降低风险提出建议。  关键词:供应链;新冠肺炎;物流;需求变化  一、供应链的发展现状、问题及趋