经过激烈的竞争 ,近日 ,泰来斯特公司与英国最大有线网络运行商———NTL签定了合作意向书。根据意向书的内容 ,泰来斯特成为NTL在基于密集波分复用(DWDM )光纤技术项目的唯一供货商 ,合同金额约570万欧元 ,设备将于今年年底 ,明年年初交货。密集波分复用技术可使
After fierce competition, recently, Telstra signed a letter of intent with NTL, the largest operator of wired networks in the United Kingdom. According to the letter of intent, Telstra is the sole supplier of NTL’s Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) based optical fiber technology project with a contract value of approximately € 5.7 million and delivery of the equipment by the end of this year and early next year. Dense wavelength division multiplexing technology can be