
来源 :中国工业医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangjuexin
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二氧化硫(SO2)是大气中常见污染物,对结膜和上呼吸道黏膜具有强烈辛辣刺激作用,可致支气管炎、肺炎,严重者可致肺水肿和呼吸麻痹,是气象、环境部门常规监测的项目之一,也是石油石化企业重要的职业病危害因素监测项目。由于二氧化硫测定方法的限制,给职业卫生检测评价工作带来了极大的困难,致使工作场所职业病危害因素监测的覆盖率较低[1]。目前,二氧化硫测定国标方法采用的是与盐酸副玫瑰苯胺显色法[2~4],即四氯汞钾-盐酸副玫瑰苯胺分光光度法、甲醛缓 Sulfur dioxide (SO2), a common pollutant in the atmosphere, has a strong spicy stimulating effect on the conjunctiva and upper respiratory mucosa. It causes bronchitis and pneumonia. In severe cases, it causes pulmonary edema and respiratory paralysis. It is a routinely monitored project by the meteorological and environmental departments First, the petroleum and petrochemical enterprises is also an important occupational hazard monitoring project. Due to the limitation of the SO2 determination method, it has brought great difficulties to the occupational health testing and evaluation work, resulting in the low coverage rate of workplace occupational hazards monitoring [1]. At present, the national standard method for the determination of sulfur dioxide is based on the colorimetric method of pararosanil hydrochloride [2-4], namely tetrachloromercury-potassium pararosaniline hydrochloride spectrophotometry, formalin
该文的目的在于调查男女生在英语听力课堂中的参与模式是否有显著性的差异,并找到这些差异和英语听力成绩之间的关系。研究以Elisabeth Hayes的课堂表现调查问卷为研究工具,