随着我国加入WTO日期的临近 ,这则消息不能不引起有关方面的重视。如果我们面对这些贸易技术壁垒无动于衷 ,或不赶紧采取应对措施 ,不远的将来我们面对的将不再是一项简单的条款 ,我们的民族企业将被这些“美妙的言词”彻底降伏。“我国实验动物科学起步晚、基础差”无法唤起贸易伙伴的同情 ,3Rs研究不再是战略性前瞻性研究的前奏曲 ,已经被推到了刀光剑影的前沿阵地
With the date of China’s accession to the WTO approaching, the news can not but draw the attention of the parties concerned. If we are indifferent to these technical barriers to trade or do not take prompt measures to deal with them, we will no longer face a simple clause in the near future. Our national enterprises will be completely reduced by these “wonderful words.” “The experimental animal science in China started late and the foundation is poor” can not arouse the sympathy of our trading partners. The 3Rs research is no longer a prelude to strategic forward-looking research and has been pushed to the forefront of swordsmanship