例1 男,40岁,农民。上腹部无规律隐痛,面黄无力,纳差6个月,间断柏油样便一个月。近5天柏油样便日达2~3次,伴有心悸气短,足部浮肿,于1972年10月5日以“消化道出血原因待查”住院。无溃疡病、肝病、胆道病史。检查:体温37.3℃,脉搏96次,呼吸22次,血压90/60。神清,面色苍黄,结膜、口唇苍白,全身皮肤无出血点及蜘蛛痣,无肝掌。心向左侧扩大,心尖部Ⅲ级收缩期杂音及舒张早期奔马律。肝肋下1厘米,质软,轻压痛。脾未扪及。下肢凹陷性水肿。血红蛋白2.8克,红细胞100万,白细胞7200,嗜中性74%,淋巴20%,嗜酸性6%,血小板140000,网织红细
Example 1 Male, 40 years old, farmer. Irregularities on the abdomen pain, face yellow weakness, anorexia 6 months, intermittent tarry like a month. Nearly 5 days of asphalt like it up to 2 to 3 times, accompanied by palpitations shortness of breath, swollen feet, October 5, 1972 to “cause of gastrointestinal bleeding check” hospitalization. No ulcer disease, liver disease, history of biliary tract disease. Check: body temperature 37.3 ℃, pulse 96 times, breathing 22 times, blood pressure 90/60. Clear, pale yellow, conjunctiva, pale lips, body parts without bleeding and spider nevus, liver palms. Heart to the left to expand, apex systolic murmur and diastolic early gallop. Liver ribs 1 cm, soft, light tenderness. Spleen not palpable. Lower limb pitting edema. 2.8 grams of hemoglobin, 1 million of red blood cells, 7200 of white blood cells, 74% of neutrophils, 20% of lymphomas, 6% of eosinophils, 140,000 of platelets,