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  Uncomfortable. It’s a word I’ve heard a lot while reporting on the ongoing Greek economic crisis during the past few years. People who once had good jobs, houses, a level of comfort, suddenly find it’s all vanished. Athens-based architect Katerina Kamprani’s no exception.
  Kamprani: Well, the problem is getting worse, and here in Athens and in Greece in general, architecture is not going very well. I also try to do other stuff.
  And what Kamprani’s done is tap into her own discomfort. A few years ago she started thinking of everyday objects and how they might be reimagined.
  Kamprani: The first sketch that I did, it was a toilet. That was, the floor of the toilet was elevated two metres, approximately, from the floor, so you have to use a ladder to go to the toilet. And I then thought “that’s uncomfortable.”
  Indeed! And then,…
  Kamprani: Another idea popped into my mind, which was a closet that, its doors would open inward. Yeah, even if you put something in it, you cannot take it out very easily.
   Kamprani transferred her sketches to her computer and started doing 3-D mockups of the objects. There’s an umbrella made of cement, a beautiful bowl with a hole in the bottom, and yellow rain boots without the toes.
   Kamprani: I tried for the objects to be a bit usable. I don’t want them to be completely useless. We could use them but you have to try a lot.
   She calls the set of designs “The Uncomfortable.”
   There are many variations on that classic, the fork. Kamprani’s got versions with hinged tines. There’s another with tines three inches thick. They’re forks, but they’re not.
   Kamprani: We all know what a fork does and what a spoon does, and, you know, all these everyday objects around us. So you have an expectation of that object to do something, and what I design doesn’t. It’s very close to that, but it’s a bit different.
   For my part, I started out by laughing at Kamprani’s designs, and then, after a couple of minutes, I got a bit annoyed.
   Kamprani: Many people get angry. I don’t know why. They say “I’m so angry seeing this.”
   Kamprani thinks it’s because people start thinking about what it would be like to try to use her uncomfortable objects.
   Take Kamprani’s design for a pretty blue watering can. She’s turned the spout backwards, so that if you tried to pour the water out, it would, instead, pour right back into the can.
   Kamprani: It’s not even in the guidelines that I have for myself for uncomfortable. I think it’s completely useless: doesn’t do anything. But it’s very symbolic.    Symbolic, she says, of life in Greece these days. It’s moved beyond the uncomfortable, says Kamprani, and straight into the surreal. And what would be even more surreal, she says, is if one day the Greek economy actually improved, and she had enough money to build real versions of her computer-designed creations. I’d be the first in line for those toeless yellow rain boots. They’d actually go quite well with that watering can that doesn’t actually water. Kind of an official “sideways glance”uniform.
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